The scars of others should teach us caution.

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⚠️  Trigger warning! Self harm, the R slur and implications of sexual assault toward the end. I'll put in another warning there. ⚠️

Third person POV

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Third person POV

"Last time on total drama island..."

A goat fell off a cliff.

"Teams were tested on their knowledge on each other with 'would you rather' questions, and failed miserably."

Raj fell through a panel.

"Emma showed some mad skills. At getting answers wrong!"

Zee, Nichelle, Axel and Emma fell through panels.

"Until she couldn't even do that right! And in the end, she got sent home"

Emma was carried away by the drone.

It cut to Chris on the dock.

"Who would i rather go home today? I don't play favorites! I dislike nearly all of them equally!"

"Buckle up, it's time for more total! Drama! island!"

*Intro plays, not writing it out*

Raj, Wayne and Bowie were walking through the camp ground.

"Did you know most people swallow over a liter of spit a day?" Raj asked.

"Dude!" Wayne exclaimed "Where do they find it?!"

"Oh, no, most of it's your own." Raj told him.

"Ohhhhhhhh, that makes way more sense!" Wayne smiled.

The trio arrived at the mess hall.

"You two head in. I'll catch up." Bowie told them.

"Ok, eh." Wayne said as he and raj headed in.

"I'll save you a seat!" Raj added.

Bowie turned to see Gina walking behind him.

"G, I want you to know that I am done cheating in challenges!" he told her.

"Whatever. I don't care." Gina shrugged.

"Oh. Wow." Bowie said, not expecting it to be that easy "Well, good. Glad you-"

"Unless of course, I need you to cheat." Gina interrupted "Great talk bestie!"

She flicked her curls over her shoulder and walked off.


Gina: Look, last season, I would be the one asking not to cheat. But this season... *Rubs arm with a slightly sad expression* I've already been labeled a villain. Why waste energy trying to change people's minds?

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