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Third person POV

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Third person POV

"Last time on total drama island!"

"We made a splash on the worlds most uninsurable water slide!"

Nichelle, MK and Julia hurtled down the slides.

"Bodies were bruised and buttered"

Ripper smeared some butter on his arm.

"Emily bled a lot!"

Emily wiped blood off her face with her sleeve.

"And in the end team Rat Face won immunity when Damien risked it all with the bravest launch of the game!"

Millie shoved Damien into the four point slide.

"Millie shoved him down a slide no one else even dared to try! harsh!"

Damien got booted by the boot.

"And since Chase was all talk and no slide, the Skunk Butts gave him the ol' heave ho!"

Chase walked down the dock.

"Wanna know who will get hurt today? I'm good with it being anyone but me!"

"Here, on total! Drama! island!"

*Intro plays. Ain't writing it out*

"I'm glad we won that challenge, but I still can't believe she did that to you!" Caleb exclaimed.

Team Rat Face (Except for Millie) we sitting around the cabin stairs chatting.

"Heyyy..." Millie said, walking over "Morning... team."

"C'mon guys. Let's get out of here before she sends one of us falling down a mountain." Nichelle said.

Most of the team started standing and leaving.

"Is this still about me sending Damien down that four point slide? It won us the game!" Millie exclaimed.

"You seriously think that makes it right?" Damien exclaimed, sounding very pissed off.

"News flash, it does not." Emily informed her.

"C'mon bros, she's not worth it." Zee said, trying to pull the two away. They didn't budge.

"I thought you were my friend, and you CRUSHED ME!" Damien exclaimed, shoving Zee off him "THAT CROSSED THE LINE!"

"yeah, the finish line!" Millie smiled.

"You think this is FUNNY!?" Emily screamed. Zee held her back. "THIS is just like when RIPPER used PRIYA as a HUMAN SHIELD!"


Zee: If you haven't seen season one yet, Ripper used Priya as a human shield. Just keeping you in the loop yo. *Bisexual finger guns*


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