Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all

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I'm sorry this took so long to publish this chapter. Or if it's quite short.

Third person POV

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Third person POV

"Last time on total drama island..."

Basically nothing interesting happened.

"The campers were challenged to bring back the biggest things they could carry."

Caleb pulled along Chris's smallest, least favourite yacht.

"... Only to be told that the real challenge was fitting the whole thing through a teeny, tiny hole."

POV, what incels think good sex is.

No I will not elaborate, for I have no idea what I just said.

"Emily proved to be the airline you don't want to hire."

Emily smashed at her mini plane with a massive mallet.

"While Raj upchucked a weeks worth of sloppy joes. Ew."

Raj munched of the green sludge, then vomited.

"Caleb was up the creek without an alliance, until he was saved by winning immunity."

Caleb tossed that FUCKING SCREW through the slot on his door.

"And so it was MK who got sent home when she was out-Julia'd by Julia."

MK got carried away from the island.

It cut to Chris standing on the dock.

"Who will get voted off the island today? Time to find out, here on total! Drama! island!"

*Intro plays, I'm *YMCA tune*🎵 Noooooot writing it out 🎵 *

The episode opened with Wayne stepping into a cabin with a bowl of that sand-looking food.


Wayne: Raj is still getting back into the solid food game after getting food poisoning yesterday, so I'm feeding him the same way my mom fed me when I was a baby!


Wayne was sitting on the end of Raj's bed with the bowl of food in his lap, and a spoon in hand.

"Ok Raj, here comes the puck!" he said, before starting to randomly move the spoon in the air while saying some hockey terminology.

"Toe drag! He circles the net! Pass, pass, pass! He goes back to the line... he shoots!"

He sorta flicked the food at Raj.

It smacked his buddy in the forehead.

"Oh. Off the post!" Wayne smiled brightly, before flicking more food.

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