just a lil chapter

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Hi. Little chapter to thank you all for being so understanding about my writing break.

yes I know that the point of a writing break is to take a break from writing, but my fingers were itchin' for some fiction'

that sorta rhymes. fun.

anyways, this is an AU where the folks in this book are actors/ social media folks, and these are behind the scenes stuff.



Emily: *Slams Julia against the wall for episode 2*


Julia: oh harder mommy~

Emily: *Tries to keep a straight face and fails.* dammit Julie-


Gina: Oh my gods!

MK, imitating Angel Dust: My drugs! dammit!

Gina: *Wheeze*


Emma: when Chase films his own stunts, he always... always... wait, shit, what's my line?

Cameraman: *Laughing*


Gina: *doing a livestream* ok, what's going on in the chat...

Gina: 'I love you'

Gina: I love you too, random person on the internet.

Based on an actual interaction I had.


Julia and Damien: *Screaming/ singing.* Fell in love with an emo girl!


Emily and Gina: *Headbanging to the Bluey theme song.*


Emily: *slaps Damien for episode 1*

Damien: OW! *grabs his face* FUCK!

Emily and Julia: *laughing*


Bowie: Hm, that's what my ex said on prom night.

Emily and Julia: *just about dying on the ground*


Emily: *filming a TikTok* everyone's been going 'oh, onscreen Emily is just like Angel dust, onscreen Emily is just like Husk, what character would offscreen Emily be?'

Emily: BITCH.

Emily: *imitating Alastor's voice* I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment, only to repeatedly trip, and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure.

Axel offscreen: why that quote?

Emily: well what would you have picked?

Axel offscreen: the Jambalaya one

Emily: *imitating Alastor's voice.* Well I'm STARVED! WHO WANTS SOME JAMBALAYA?


Director: and, cut!

Scary Girl: Oh finally! *stops smiling and rubs her face* fuck, my cheeks are killing me


Angel Dust on the TV in a trailer: I got no holes left to deflower~

Millie: *points her phone camera at priya, filming* my asexual bestie's favourite character.

Priya: *laughs*

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