Chapter - 1

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Screaming... faint screaming coming closer.

A once dormant safe town becoming pure madness and evil.

"Let me go" a girl sobbed jerking between two men's arms "Let me go" she screamed "LET ME GO"

The lights started to flicker and the two men tasered her, cursing through her screaming. "Stop" she pleaded "I beg of you please. Stop" The two men dragged her and threw her inside a dark room.

The screaming stopped as she sobbed lying on her hard bed. "Hello, Valerie" A man said.

"You failed. Again, you know what that means?"

"No" Valerie begged "No, please" the man gets closer to her "You should've thought about that before you failed." He pulls out a razor and stares at her with a cold look on his face.

He pulls Valerie down, and grabs hold of her brown hair which was about the length of her shoulders.

"I'm sorry Valerie, I truly am" he said.

Valerie screams as she watches her hair fall to the ground, leaving only a small bit of hair on her head.

"I really didn't want to do this" he says backing away from her. "You left me no choice." The man closes the door leaving Valerie on her own.

"No" she says, still in denial "NO!" she sobs on the ground.

Valerie screamed, but not in fear this time, she screamed out of anger.

"I've had enough" She decides, wiping her tears and getting up, brushing down her blood-stained hospital dress.

Valerie opens her door, the guards get alarmed "Hey kid, get back in there" They warn, but Valerie walks further. "I'm warning you kid another step and you're dead" Valerie stretches her hand out and screams, the guard slams into the wall and his neck breaks.

The other guards scream in terror and runs away, Valerie Walks out stealing the dead guard's uniform and covering her shaved head with his hat, she takes his keycard and slides it through the detector, walking out undetected.

She feels her first encounter with the real world, something new, beautiful, she looks back at the logo of the place she was in.



"Lucas, go to bed" a lady says snatching away a game console from his hand. He sighs and looks at the calendar. 1983.

"Five more minutes mom, please" He asked.

"No honey I already gave you five more minutes ten times at this point you will be up till morning" she told hugging him and turning his lights off "Good night, Lucas."

"Hey Lucas, you still awake?" A voice calls.

Lucas grabs his walkie-Talkie "Duh" he says covering his body and face with a blanket. "Ready to go?" the voice asks. "Darren and Justin are already waiting for us."

"I'm ready" Lucas says jerking off his blanket and putting on a coat before climbing out his window and getting on his bike.

A boy stood there next to his own bike "Let's go" he says.

"Wait up Ben!" Lucas calls out, riding his bike after him, both laughing. They stop next to two other boys in a small shed.

All of them go inside and Justin knocks on the door. The door opens and loud music is blasted. "If our parents know we are at an arcade at night they will kill us." Darren says with a worried expression on his face.

"And how will they find out?" Lucas asks, handing five bucks to the machine to get tickets. "We have been doing this for days, weeks actually and they never suspected a thing. If anything, we are a couple of tween geniuses plus it's not like we are doing something illegal."

"You're probably right." Darren says. "I am worrying for nothing."

The boys get the tickets and heads to the games "Aww man someone beat my high score" Ben says. "I worked weeks for that" Lucas patted him on the back. "It happens buddy."

"Its two a.m. we should probably leave now." Lucas says. The boys get on their bikes and drive home. Lucas climbs up his bedroom window and finds his mom sitting on his bed with a death stare.

"Where have you been Lucas?" His mom asks, surprisingly in a calm voice. "A patient broke out from the mental asylum today. I was worried sick."

"Mom I uh..." Lucas was at a loss for words. "I'm sorry" he says trying not to look at his mom's disappointed face.

His mom stands up and hugs him. "Just don't do something like that again Lucas. If something happened to you, I could never forgive myself" Lucas hugs her back "I won't."

His mom lets go "Oh and Lucas." She waited for Lucas to look at her, she smiles with a sweet expression on her face. "You're grounded, for a month..." Lucas groans and heads back to bed snuggling himself in his blanket.


Valerie had hidden out in a small shed all day resting, and waiting for what she would do next. After all she was free now.

She headed to a mall and into a clothes shop, the colors there were blinding her. All she had seen at the asylum was endless black, white, and gray. Valerie soothes her hand in the soft fabric. She takes a black T-shirt and some jeans; she heads on to the wig isle and grabs a shoulder length brunette wig.

Valerie grabs a basket and puts all her items inside. She then heads out of the shop without paying, ignoring the shouting behind her, she has never really come to the concept of paying at the asylum, she had never really learned anything about how the world was.

Valerie quickly ran back to her shed and changed, she looked at the small mirror she had and smiled. It's like she was a completely different person.

She left her shed and went into a random person's house by the window, she hadn't learned manners either.

Lucas walks into his room and screams; Valerie was sitting on his bed. Valerie got up frightened.

"Um...Hi?" Lucas says. Valerie loosens up and turns to face Lucas.


Author's Note:

Hello dear readers,

This is  my maiden attempt at writing a full fledged novel. As you have read, this is a story that revolves around a 12 year old girl who has untold trauma finding friendship and comfort in a rule breaking boy of her own age.

How the friendship blooms? is she able to extract revenge/justice on people who wronged her?

Keep reading!!!



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