Chapter- 5

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Lucas woke up earlier than Valerie had hoped he would, she had just gone to sleep two hours back, she was sure Lucas wasn't purposefully trying to wake her up, but he made a whole lot of noise it was impossible to sleep.

Valerie got out of bed, Lucas was at her pile of opened wrappers, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"How did raccoons get in here?" He asked, and Valerie stood guiltily in front of him.

"Yea... those weren't raccoons." She replied, giving a cold stare to those papers, floating them to the bins.

"You're welcome."

Lucas gave Valerie a smile to lower down her snark, she looked like she woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning, and the dark circles under her eyes told him everything he needed to know.

"Uh... so are you going to tell me why exactly you were snacking in the middle of the night or is that another thing I shouldn't know... you know, considering that wig incident yesterday, we are pretending never happened... just giving a heads up." Lucas reminded.

Valerie ignored him and walked to the small bathroom slamming the door.

She really didn't have time for his suspicions, since she had some of her own, the noise she had heard last night in the wood, growling, screaming.

Valerie shuddered.

She took a deep breath, and smothered toothpaste on a random toothbrush she found.

Lucas banged on the door.

"I won't ask you anything more Val, please come back out."

Valerie scoffs, opens the door and walks pass Lucas, her hands crossed, and her face stiff.

"What do you want?" Valerie asked, coldly, relaxing her face, but keeping her death stare, she wasn't even sure what Lucas did wrong anymore, he just asked her a question, and quite frankly, she didn't know the answer to it.

Maybe that was why she was angry.

Lucas stared at Valerie's cold face and shuddered.

She can't mind control, right? he thought.


Valerie put her hand on her hip, waiting for Lucas's answer.

"Listen Val..." Lucas started but was interrupted by banging on the door.

"We know you're in there!" A voice shouted; Valerie immediately recognized it.

Her father.

He'd found them.

But how?

Lucas must've known from the look on her eyes, because he grabbed Valerie's hand, and opened another door on the ceiling, climbing up, and helping Valerie.

The main door kicked open and Doctor Williams walks In, his men behind him, with a gun in his hand, he grabs Valerie's leg halfway up.

Valerie shrieks.

Lucas pulls Valerie's hand from the other side, Doctor Williams is faster, he takes his gun shooting it near Lucas's hand, it didn't touch but it was enough to make Lucas jump back and drop Valerie's hand.

Lucas cursed, as Doctor Williams took out a needle and stabbed Valerie in the neck, Valerie screamed, she put a , near Doctor Williams, and screamed. Doctor Williams slammed into the wall, choking, Valerie was using her powers.

Rest of Doctor Williams men came running to her, Valerie gave them a death stare and tilted her neck to the left, their necks snapped.

She turned back to Doctor Williams, but her head started spinning, Valerie collapsed, and Doctor Williams gasped for breath.

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