Chapter - 12

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"Quit lying!" Lucas snapped. "We know it was you, you pretended someone from your asylum died just now, by the monster which almost ended Valerie's life, I didn't know someone could be so psycho, but look at that I found a perfect fit."

Doctor Williams's confused look sent shivers down Valerie's spine.

"Lucas... I hate to admit it, but I think he's telling the truth." Valerie said, her voice cracking in realization.

"Then... who screamed fifteen minutes ago?" Lucas asked, his tone calming down.

"I- I don't know, what monster are you two talking about. We sent a couple people here to get the job done, but we got a report that they ran away." Doctor Williams told.

"A couple ?" Valerie asked, her face close to tears.

"Yes." Doctor Williams replied, his look still inquisitive.

Valerie ran inside the room and took out the badge which was lying on the floor, next to few blood stains, and the gun Lucas had already taken.

"This is the asylum logo." She said, pointing to the the earth logo engraved on the golden badge.

Doctor Williams's face shifted.


"That gun was also inside there along with the bloodstains." Valerie pointed out.

Doctor Williams snatched the badge from Valerie.

"Where did you get this?"

Valerie pointed to the floor. Doctor Williams walked over to the room, and inspected the scene. A frown appeared on his face.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked.

"I- just don't get how this could have happened." Doctor Williams replied, sighing. "What did this monster look like?"

Lucas turned to Valerie waiting for her to answer.

"It had a really patchy red skin, it looked almost human, but it wasn't, it had bloodshot eyes, and it looked rabid, hungry, for anything."

Doctor Williams pinched the bridge of his nose.

"There's no such thing in the world Valerie." He told, fully convinced that Valerie was making all this up to distract him.

"You don't believe me?" Valerie questioned, not surprised at all.

"I don't." Doctor Williams said, straightforward.

Valerie sighed.

"I never expected you to." She snapped. "Come on Lucas."

Valerie dragged Lucas back to their room, Doctor Williams stood there in the corridor. Valerie wondered if he would run after them, and capture her, but he just stood there. When Valerie reached the end of the hall, turning to Lucas to say something, but paused.

A shrill shriek interrupted her.

Lucas jerked back, turning to run, but Valerie was already ahead of him. She was pushing through her pain and dizziness, dashing through the corridor, with Lucas behind her.

Valerie screamed.

"What is it, Val?" Lucas asked, out of breath. Valerie pointed to the body on the ground.

Lucas bit his tongue to stop him from screaming.

"It's not Doctor Williams." Lucas assured, examining the body. "He doesn't have his card."

Valerie examined the body. She had never seen something more disgusting up close. The body had been torn apart, blood below it.

"It's here." Valerie said.

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