Chapter- 17

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"What do we do now? Do we confront them?" Justin asked, pacing around the room, biting his nails, trying to keep calm.

"Shut up, I'm trying to think." Darren snapped.

"We could always tell Lucas we know, or maybe we should tell Ben first? Ben is in tuition right now though."

"What do we do now, I can't live with this in my chest."

"Keep calm goody two shoes." Darren told. "We can just call Ben to your house after the tuition ends, it shouldn't take long.... I've got to leave your house in half an hour though, which may be a problem."

"Really?" Justin questioned. "That's not even top three of the problems we have right now, what if Lucas is being tortured and interrogated by Valerie? What do we do then?"

"For all we know, they look happy. I don't think he's being tortured and interrogated, stop jumping into conclusions."

Justin scoffed.

"You're one to talk."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"That means, you can't live your life without poking your nose into other people's businesses, you won't get sleep at night!" Justin snarled.

"Are we really going to go there? I am only looking out for Lucas; I am worried for him. I have no interest in looking at whatever he is doing."

"I don't believe you at all." Justin told.

"You never do!" Darren yelled. "I don't think you are going to right now!" he finished, running towards Justin's bedroom and slamming the door.

"You can't hide in there forever!" Justin shouted.

"You are an expert at hiding from problems, maybe you could teach me!" Darren shouted back.


Lucy opened the door to the house, and turned on the lights, the lights started to flicker.

"Did we forget to pay our electric bill?" Lucas asked.

"I don't think so... I paid last week, maybe there's a blackout?" Lucy suggested, trying the switch again. "Lacey and your dad are going to be home soon, the light doesn't matter, Valerie's got to hide now."

Lucas nodded, walking with Valerie to the basement.

"You gonna be okay here?" Lucas asked, he had to make sure.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Valerie assured, grabbing the shopping bag, which had the wig in it. She put it on. "This is better than the last one. It's less.... Itchy."

"To be fair, you threw the last one around a lot." Lucas told. "I'm leaving now, there's a phone over there, call me if you need anything." He finished, pointing to the phone on the wall.

Valerie nodded, grabbing a couple of blankets, and pillows, setting them up behind the couch.

Lucas ran back upstairs.

"What's wrong with the electricity?" his dad asked.

"I don't know..." Lucy replied. "It looks like something fried the circuit, I can have a electrician look at it, but from what I see, it looks like burnt toast. I called the neighbour, their electricity seems to be working completely fine."

"What fried the circuits then?" Lucas asked.

"Like I said before, I don't know, but this looks intentional, like someone pulled out the wires and burnt it."

"Probably just the raccoons." Lucas's dad told. "Nothing to worry about, I can start up the generator out in the back."

"Raccoons inside the house?" Lucas asked Lucy, as his dad left.

"Maybe they got in.... Somehow, there's no holes though, maybe we left a window open? Whatever, it's going to be fine now."

"Okay!" Lucas's dad exclaimed, coming back from the yard. "I turned on the generator." He finished, as the lights flickered on.

"That's great." Lucy said. "I'm going to make dinner now. "

"Lucas! Conrad! Get over here!" Lucy shouted. "Now!"

Lucas and his dad rushed to the kitchen.

"Something busted up the stove, and the microwave, and the fridge, and the oven! I don't know what's going on, but it looks like a whole family of raccoons ran through here."

"I... have no back up for that." Conrad admitted. "I can go to the new pizza place that opened up down the neighbourhood and get us some pizza."

He walked out, grabbing his wallet.

Lucas went to the table, picking up the telephone, and dialled a number.

"Who are you calling?" Lucy asked.

"Valerie, I'm calling her up here." Lucas replied, waiting for Valerie to pick up the phone. "The call's not going through."

"That's because the phone is busted too." Lucy pointed out, picking the telephone up, and flipping it, showing the same damage on the electrical circuits.

"It's ok... no need to worry. I'll just go down to the basement and get her." Lucas told, rushing down the stairs.

"Dang it." Lucas groaned. "How is the door locked!"

He banged on the door.

"Valerie!" he yelled. "You in there?"

"Yeah!" Valerie shouted back. "Why?"

She ran to the door, trying to open it, which didn't open at all.

"Why is it locked?" Valerie asked, trying to pull the door open. "What's wrong!" she panicked. " the door won't open!"

"I know! Weird things have been going on, and right now the door is locked, I do not know how, but we have to get you out." Lucas told.

"Stand back!" Valerie yelled.


"Just listen to me! Stand back!" She growled. "I'm going to bust it open!"

Valerie put both her hands out front, screaming as the door fell down. She climbed up the stairs, pulling her wig into a ponytail.

"What in the world!" Lucy snapped. "What is going on, what did you do to the door?" she finished, her tone, annoyed.

"It was locked." Lucas said. "Valerie had to throw it down to get out. Weird things are happening, first the electricity, then the kitchen, then the phone, now this? What is going on, unless the raccoons can lock doors now?"

"I don't know what's happening." Lucy admitted. "All I know is that something is seriously wrong with the house."

"I am pretty sure we noticed that ten minutes ago." Lucas told. "That door is the least of our problems, is no one worried where we are going to hide Val now? Dad and Lacey is definitely going to see the broken door."

"I can fix it." Valerie suggested, putting a handout front, as the door came back to place, the lock was fixed too.

"I am never going to get used to that." Lucy said. "I need to sit down."

"I don't think the monster is going to get rid of us, by destroying our things, so there has got to be another explanation." Lucas stated.

"There might be..." Valerie admitted. "Sometimes... when I use my powers, I tend to destroy stuff, by accident, like electricity, doors et cetera, I was using it downstairs, only because I was bored, I had no idea this was happening."

"Val... the circuit was fried before we came home, remember?" Lucas reminded.

Valerie's reply was cut off by the doorbell.

"Lacey's home early?" Lucy questioned herself. "No way!"

Lucas ran to the door, peeking out the eyehole to see who was ringing the doorbell, he flinched back, looking at Lucy and Valerie.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"Justin, Darren, and Ben."

Author's note:

Hope you all liked the chapter!!!



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