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Lucas pushed aside a bunch of branches, they both were exhausted, they had been walking for hours, Valerie realized they should've bought some snacks and necessities from what was left of the arcade.

Lucas put his bag down, he had bought this bag from his house before they had left to the arcade, their original plan was staying in the woods anyway.

Valerie's ears were on high alert for any type of monstrous voices, lucky for her all she could hear were the chirping of the birds, and howling, there were no wolves here, so she figured it was probably just dogs.

Valerie realized they were at their old campsite, their sticks were still there, the fire was gone obviously.

Lucas opened his bag and laid down two blankets.

"This will have to do for now." Lucas told. "Tomorrow we can head out to the mall maybe and get some sleeping bags and snacks."

Valerie nodded, lying down on the blanket, it wasn't much, and definitely wasn't as comfortable as a bed, but it's better than nothing she decided.

Valerie woke up to a horrifying sound.

There were screaming, and chomping, and growling. Valerie closed her ears and eyes, her eyes close to tears.

"It's not real, it's not real" she mumbled to herself.

Valerie kept continuing the words, trying to convince herself it was probably just a dream, or she was just being paranoid.

She opened her eyes, and released her hands, which were tightly pressed to her ears, the sound was still there.

Valerie got up from her not-so- comfy blanket, and took a quick glance at Lucas, he was fast asleep, she would've guessed it was around six in the morning, she could see the sun rising slowly.

Valerie took a deep breath and walked deeper into the woods, remembering she could protect herself from whatever that was there.

It was absolutely fine.

She pushed aside a couple of branches, and walked deeper into the woods, following the sounds.

Valerie was forcing herself to be brave, trying to push down the part of her which was absolutely terrified of what was yet to come.

She followed the voices, which were getting louder by the second, her curiosity increased with the noises, and so did her fear.

Maybe it was just a bear?

Valerie walked a bit further, trying to stay as hidden as possible, dying wasn't on her mental to-do list today.

When she finally got close to the sound, what she saw took her breath away, and not in a good was.

It was some sort of rabid beast, and definitely wasn't a bear.

It had bloodshot red eyes, and a patchy skin that matched the color of its eyes, the skin was peeled, as if it had been burned somehow.

Its teeth were as sharp as a tiger, the beast was chomping on a girl, she looked to be about twenty plus years old, she was in a uniform, suggesting she must have been a employee or a college student.

Valerie bit off her scream as the monster looked directly at her, her instincts were all pointing to one action.


Valerie dashed through the branches, a lot of them hitting her on the face, a painful prick every time she passed.

She didn't have time for that now, she ran towards the camp spot, panting, as Lucas ran to ask what happened.

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