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"Of course." Lucas's dad said. "Come in."

Lucy and Lucas looked at each other, afraid of what was going to come.

"Can we talk?" Doctor Williams asked.

"Actually." Lucas told, shoving his dad and standing in front of Doctor Williams. "We are very busy right now, so if you could come back later, that would be great." He finished with a glare at Doctor Williams, trying to push him out of the door.

"Lucas!" his dad snapped. "The man wants to talk, don't be so disrespectful, after all he did save your life from that asylum girl."

Lucy almost rolled her eyes.

"We are busy." Lucy argued.

"Doing what, may I ask?" his dad questioned. "We aren't busy at all." He said, motioning Doctor Williams to come in. "Ignore my family, they.... haven't learnt hospitality."

Doctor Williams, and several of his men came in, sitting on the sofa. The guns on their hands wanted to make Lucas bolt, remembering what happened at the asylum.

"May I speak to your son alone?" Doctor Williams asked.

"Of course." Lucas's dad replied. "Be in a good behavior." He whispered to Lucas.

"Where is she? Don't even try denying it. Where is Valerie?"

"I don't know." Lucas told, his voice cracking.

"Lucas... you are a smart kid, give me Valerie, and I will let you go, or.... If you decide to play these sick games with me, I'll just tell you one thing. It won't end good."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Do you really want to ask that?"

"I have a warrant to search the place, if you told me, it would make this so much easier, for example... no one would have to get hurt." Doctor Williams said.

Lucas kept his mouth shut, and Doctor Williams sighed.

"Search the place." He ordered.

Lucas was terrified, and so was Lucy. Meanwhile, his dad and sister didn't know what was happening. Lucas tried not to cry as Doctor Williams and his guards went down to the basement.

"Think they'll find Valerie?" he asked, trying to keep his voice from cracking.

"I...don't know. I'm sorry Lucas."

Lucas sighed, and walked down the basement, expecting Valerie to be passed out in Doctor Williams's arms.

"There's nothing here." Doctor Williams confirmed to his guards, check all the rooms upstairs. I'm not leaving this place without her."

Lucas's fear increased when Valerie wasn't behind the couch, there was a leftover pizza, and a note.

Meet me in the backyard- Darren.

Lucas suspiciously walked to the back yard, trying to go there as quietly as possible. It didn't help that the twigs were cracking, as he slowly stepped on them.

Darren was in the backyard, with Justin and Ben, Valerie was next to them.

"What are you doing?" Lucas snapped.

"I'm saving her life." Darren replied smugly. "I saw them enter your house, and I knew they were after her. I'm expecting a thank you."

"She isn't safe yet." Lucas said. "Doctor Williams's and his minions haven't left the house yet, they are sure to check here."

"That's why I'm bringing her to my house." Darren told. "My parents aren't home, it's the perfect place."

"No way." Lucas protested. "Your house? You are convinced she's a kidnapper."

"Not anymore." Darren said. "She's weird, that I agree. But.... if you trust her, then I will too."

Lucas heard voices near the door to the backyard.

"Go... now."

Darren nodded, Valerie behind him on his bicycle, driving away, the moment Doctor Williams entered.

"What are you doing here?" Doctor Williams asked, suspiciously.

"Enjoying the view." Lucas replied smugly.

He was sure if his parents weren't there, Doctor Williams would have probably killed him for his snarky back- answers.

Doctor Williams gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Check the place."

"Lucas!" Lacey called, as Lucas walked to her. "Did you forget what happened to Chelsea already? Also... what are these government goons doing in our house."

"Checking." Lucas told.

"For what?" Lacey asked. "For. What?" Lacey asked again, when Lucas kept his mouth closed, no matter how much she tried to get him to talk.

"Lucas!" Lacey yelled. "You are so secretive lately.... You better stop it right now, because my best friend is in trouble, and these people who I don't know are rummaging through our house."

"It's not my secret to tell." Lucas said.

"Then whose is it?" Lacey questioned. "Whose is it?.... It's that new girl's isn't it.... You have been so quiet since you met her Lucas! Just answer me."

"We don't have time." Lucas told. "Where did Chelsea say she was?"

"I... don't know." Lacey admitted.

"If what I think is happening is happening, then.... We might need a little help. These government weirdoes won't find anything here. C'mon...." Lucas said.

"Where are we going?" Lacey asked, grabbing her car keys.

"Darren's house." Lucas replied.

"This isn't time for a play date." Lacey snapped.

"It isn't a play date." Lucas assured. "Just listen and drive me to his house!"

Lacey didn't have the energy to argue, got in the car, started driving to his home, and stopped in his garage.

"Darren!" Lucas shouted, banging the door. "Darren!"

Darren opened the door, giving a glance at him and Lacey, before letting them in.

Valerie walked out of the room, and Lucas ran to her.

"Thank goodness." Lucas sighed. "I thought.... Never mind."

"Isn't this the new kid that came to our house just a while ago?" Lacey asked. "What is she doing here?"

"You ask too many questions!" Lucas snapped, dragging Valerie to the car, along with Justin, Ben and Darren.

"Would you at least tell me where we are going now?" Lacey groaned.

"The hunting store." Lucas told.

"Why are we going there?" Lacey asked. "Isn't that place for bear hunting or something?"

"It is... but in this case.... It's all we got." Lucas said.

"In what case Lucas?" Lacey questioned, not surprised when no answer was given to her, she groaned, frustrated, finally Lucas gave up and told her every single thing that happened.

When they reached there, Lucas grabbed a couple of spears, before Lacey took them out of his hand, and replaced them with a much smaller knife.

"This looks like a butter knife." Lucas pointed out. "I can't kill a monster with this."

"You have Val." Lacey said, picking up a gun for herself.

"How come you get to use that?" Lucas asked, annoyed. "I took fencing classes a few years back." He finished, though no one seemed impressed.

Lucas, Valerie, Justin, Ben, Darren and Lacey were walking out of the store, trying to ignore the looks that the shopkeepers gave, until someone stopped them.

"Hello." Doctor Williams said, a gun pointed at Lucas's head.

Author's note:

Hope you all liked the new chapter.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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