Chapter - 15

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"Valerie." Lucas whispered.

Valerie jolted up, she hadn't realized that she fell asleep, she was covered in the photos and scrapbooks.

"What time is it?" Valerie asked, yawning.

"I think it is around seven in the morning. I came to check on you last night but you were already asleep, so I left."

Valerie took the help of the wall to stand up.

"Lacey and my dad have left for school and  my mom made you breakfast."  Lucas informed her.

Valerie nodded, climbing up the stairs, she was low key starving. Lucas handed her a spare toothbrush, and Valerie made her way to the bathroom, coming out two minutes later.

"Good morning." Lucy said, putting a plate of pancakes and waffles down on the table, waiting for Valerie to sit down.

Valerie had to hold her excitement when she saw the hot amazing smelling food.

"Wait a minute." Valerie said, turning to Lucas. "Why aren't you at school?"

"I'm going a little late, school doesn't start till nine anyways." Lucas replied, picking up a chocolate covered waffle, and biting into it.

"Can I come?" Valerie asked.

Lucas almost choked.

"What?" he questioned, trying to make sure he got her words right. "You want to come to school? My school? The one I'm about to head to in a while."

"Yes." Valerie told, straightforwardly.

Lucas and his mom exchanged a look.

"Honey... you do understand that you need to stay hidden, right?" Lucas's mom confirmed, she looked worried for her.

Valerie nodded, she knew that, but she also knew that boredom may kill her if she stayed in the basement any longer, looking at photos of how good Lucas's life is.

"I... just can't handle staying in one place I guess..." Valerie replied.

"I don't see why she can't... she can wear a disguise and pretend to be my ninth cousin or something." Lucas suggested.

"Don't you think that's a little too risky?" Lucy asked.

Lucas wished his mom wasn't putting in logic into everything he said. He just wanted Valerie to feel comfortable, and the photo of her on television looked far off from her. He doubted a teenager in his school would be keeping an eye for Valerie.

"I don't know... but if that's what she wants, who are we to stop her, this isn't a prison." Lucas said, licking chocolate sauce off his fingers.

"Look, dear." Lucy turned to Valerie. "If you want to go to school it is completely your choice, I don't want you to feel like we are controlling you in any way."

Valerie hadn't felt anything like that, but it felt good to hear them say it. She nodded, deciding what she wanted to do.

"I want to go to school." She decided, her mouth full of pancakes.

"Well... then I'll get Lacey's spare bag, and her clothes, you can put on your wig, and you are off to go." Lucy said, smiling.

Valerie tried to keep her cool, running down to the basement, and grabbing her wig, she took a comb and brushed through it.

What if this goes horribly wrong?

"No." Valerie said, out loud. "Nothing will happen." She assured herself, she wasn't completely sure about this idea.

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