Chapter - 3

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Lucas's breathing was so fast, he was sure the weirdo guys searching his house could hear it.

Were they here for Val?

So. Many. Questions.

But there was no time right now.

Lucas ran to the broom closet and got Valerie out of there, rushing her to their shed.

"You will probably be safe here Val." Lucas said, gently shoving her under the table, closing the door behind him.

When he entered back in his house the men were all sitting on the couch, glaring at him.

"Where is she?" A man with wrinkles and gray hair asked.

"Oh, um where is who?"

"Don't play dumb boy, I know that you know who we are talking about, so tell me or we are going to have a problem and trust me I hold grudges." The man warned.

"I'm sorry I don't know who you're talking about, it's only me here at home right now, unless you are searching for my sister or I don't know who you are talking about." Lucas lied, hoping they couldn't see him sweating nervously.

"Doctor Williams, we haven't checked there yet." Another man said, pointing to the shed where Valerie was hiding.

Lucas's head started spinning, he put his hand on the door to block them from getting to the shed.

"Don't you think you've searched enough?" Lucas said, nervous laughter breaking through.

"No." The man pushed his hand away.

"Well then..." Lucas punched him in the face, the man groaned in pain and took out his gun pointing it at Lucas's head.

"Now you listen here kid, I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing but you better stop it before you get hurt."

Another man stepped forward. "Step away boss, I'll handle this child." He said, and two men started dragging Lucas.

Flashbacks from the asylum hit Valerie, and anger filled her mind.

The two men dragging Lucas shrieked in pain, and let Lucas go.

All of the men and Lucas stared at the shed.

Valerie was standing there, revealed, with her hand stretched out, in use of her powers. Valerie stared at the two men and tilted her neck, which made their neck break.

Lucas wasn't even sure if this was the same Valerie he found in his room yesterday, she didn't look scared , instead she looked madly dangerous.

The men cocked their guns, and Valerie put up her hand to show the stop sign.

The men seemed surprised, did a little girl just tell them to stop? What in the world was going on?

Doctor Williams stepped front, and Valerie stepped back, fear back in her eyes, she clearly didn't like this guy.

He reached out to touch her, and Valerie twisted his fingers, with her mind.

The men behind Doctor Williams cocked their guns ready to shoot at her, but when they pulled the trigger, nothing came out.

Valerie was giving them a cold, death stare, she then pushed Doctor Williams aside, and walked as if she was in a broad way instead of attempted murder.

Lucas stared at her, shocked by what she had done, then he saw the men getting up, so he grabbed her hand and got on his bicycle.

"We have to go Val, now"

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