Chapter 1

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Never wrote about Pokémon before but this is pretty much my first time even doing a fanfic for this thing.


It is another regular night in the Big Apple of Manhattan where a mighty clan of gargoyles lead by Goliath resided.

Goliath himself was the strong masculine type who has led the clan since the year 994. They had woken from a thousand years stone sleep and took them some time to get used to the modern age of New York.

One gargoyle in particular who is the second in command named Brooklyn himself had been struggling with a kind of longing to explore beyond the stone buildings. Sure he was happy that Goliath chose him to be the future leader of the clan but with no mate and his brothers now off doing their own callings Brooklyn inside felt like he needed to do more.

What he didn't know that soon, his life would change forever when he encounters some of their enemy, the Quarrymen one night while out on his nightly routine on his own to get away from Broadway and Angela being rather gushy around each other.

Brooklyn smiled while soaring through the night, the fresh air being the only thing that kept him from feeling lonely and down, while keeping his eyes out for anyone in trouble and for Demona, not wanting to run into her anytime soon. But that was when his ears picked up a strange noise, as well as some other familiar ones.

"Quarrymen... how perfect," Brooklyn grumbled to himself, annoyed his peaceful night was now to be ruined. Those Quarrymen usually knew how to bring discord to his city, as he glided around an alley to see what was going on with them, hoping it wasn't any of his clan in trouble or a trap for him.

When landing upon a building; Brooklyn suddenly heard that weird creature's sounds of distress along with the cronie's laughs, their electricity hammers ringing in his ears. Peering down, Brooklyn stared in surprise with what he saw.

A little dragon-like animal was cowering in an alleyway, glaring up in fear at hte Quarrymen. Its skin was quite orange, and its tail was lit up with a flame. Brooklyn frowned. He could've sworn he had seen this kind of creature somewhere before but couldn't quite place it. Inside his soul however Brook knew the thing didn't deserve to be treated badly from these demon humans, his eyes glowing, growling. Spreading out his wings, Brooklyn charged down at the Quarrymen.

"Char! Char!" Squeaked the dragon creature in distress as the leader Jon Castaway raised up his hammer high. "I don't know what the hell you are, but you could be useful to me either alive or dead." The man taunted, making it cower, his flame on his tail dwindling from all this stress it was enduring.

Then to its surprise a huge bellow came from afar. The dragon perked up at the sight of a weird being attacking his abusers. It remained put where he was, shaking while Brooklyn took a Quarryman in his arms, throwing him against the wall, swatting Castaway back with his tail, stunning the man. The little dragon felt awe inside while watching his rescuer.

Soon after the last one was taken care of Brooklyn stood there panting, his eyes settling down. He glanced at the strange creature that he rescued who was smaller than his knees. It stared at him for a few moments before squeaking in gratitude, instantly hopping onto Brooklyn's leg and hugging it tight.

Brooklyn started a bit in surprise from the advancements of this creature, wondering if Puck or Lexington would know what it is, trying to get him off. "Uh, heh, you can let go now little guy. You're welcome and all that but I have to go now."

"Char! Charmander!" Squeed the dragon, nuzzling Brooklyn's leg, having no intention of letting go anytime soon. He pretty much had no one to take care of him when waking up in this new world one day. Moaning, Brooklyn knew now he had no choice except to bring this orange thing home.

Managing to take it in his hands, Brooklyn secured the little guy in his arms, climbing the walls and soon taking off into the air, feeling that creature wiggling in fear, having never flown before. Brooklyn kept a gentle hold on him. "Trust me. I won't drop you. We just need to figure out where you came from."

Looking a little reassured, the creature held onto Brooklyn again until the two got back to the castle where Goliath waited. He frowned when seeing his second finally land.

"Where have you been? You were cutting it pretty close, it is about an hour to sunrise." Goliath scolded while Brooklyn looked a tad guilty.

"Sorry Goliath. I got mixed up with some Quarrymen out there and had to save someone from them, or, rather something." Feeling himself grow nervous, Brooklyn pulled out his companion whose big eyes were wide at the sight of the others that looked like his rescuer. "Char?" He squeaked, waving his tail.

Goliath's mouth was open in disbelief, for he had never seen anything like this, nor have the others. Well, except for one.

Brooklyn saw how excited Lexington looked at the sight of the animal, running over. "Brooklyn, I don't know how to tell you this but... you just rescued a Pokémon," He revealed, for on the internet Lex may have stumbled across some of it once or twice.

That made the red gargoyle feel rather pale at those words. "What?!" He yelped, dropping the now called Pokémon to the ground. After being dropped the Pokémon quickly ran back to hug Brooklyn's leg. Lexington himself didn't know how a Pokémon even entered into their world when he had absolutely no clue where that place was, but they will figure that out for sure.


Looks like Charmander has grown an attachment to Brooklyn!

Gargoyles: Brooklyn's Pokémon JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now