Kanto: Cerulean Gym Battle

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Sorry about the long wait but a new Pokemon Chapter is here!


It had taken Brooklyn a few days straight but he was on his way to the next gym in Cerulean City. He knew that was where Misty lived but hadn't seen her since before going to Veridian City.

With his new Pokémon Squirtle and a Boulder Badge, Brooklyn grinned while adjusting his backpack, eager to get there and win another!

"I know I can do this, even if it takes me all day to get there," Brooklyn said silently to himself, still looking forward to practicing.

But when seeing a sign that pointed to Cerulean City, Brooklyn thought he spotted some words on it that said: Gary was here, Ash is a loser. Raising his brow, Brooklyn rolled his eyes then, continuing on his way. So Gary had already stopped at this gym already huh? And he probably has more Pokémon too.

Walking along the dirt road soon had him spotting a cave from afar, ears pricked. Maybe he could catch even more Pokémon! But Brooklyn himself forgot about a little thing that all new trainers had to learn.

He ran inside but noted how bright the cave here was. This wasn't normal. Looking around in the entrance, Brooklyn wound up hearing a noise.

"Clefairy! Clefairy!" A white pink fairy looking Pokémon jumped by past him, startling the red gargoyle. "Whoa, another Pokemon!" He gasped, pulling out his Pokeball.

Brooklyn was about to throw it when an instinct inside said he shouldn't catch this one, his arm lowering, feeling disappointed until another Pokemon showed itself, an armadillo like one.

"Sandshrew!" It called to him, scurrying about. Brooklyn grinned, knowing this would be a proper one to catch, pulling out his Pokédex. "Sandshrew, an armadillo Pokemon. It's back resembles brick pavement or walls. It has a short tail, four short legs and a small head. They can curl into a very tight ball."

Putting it away, Brooklyn figured this would be Squirtle's first battle before doing a real battle. "Squirtle, I choose you!"

The turtle Pokemon came out, glaring at his rival. "Squirtle!" Brooklyn pointed. "Ok, Squirtle, use water gun!"

Squirtle shot a water blast at the Sandshrew. Sandshrew ducked out of the way, rolling into a ball, knocking Squirtle back who cried out but landed on his feet again. Brooklyn glared. A tough one huh?

"Use tackle!" Brooklyn called. Squirtle charged head on, managing this time to knock Sandshrew, then managed to use its water gun attack again. Sandshrew yelled from the water hits, eventually soon feeling ready to quit, falling flat on its back again.

Brooklyn grinned in triumph, pulling out his Pokeball. "Pokeball, Go!" He tossed it, having it hit against the unconscious Sandshrew which had a red beam pull him in. The Pokeball jiggled for a moment, then fell still.

That to Brooklyn so far was the best battle, picking it up. "Yeah, I got Sandshrew...! Huh?" For his Pokeball suddenly disappeared into thin air! How could he have lost a new Pokemon already? Disappointment ran through his body, knowing he would have several questions for Professor Oak later. He supposed he was going to have to keep going to the gym then with the Pokemon he already had.

Trudging along the dirt path for another mile, Brooklyn squinted at the sight of a large city coming up. Not as large as Viridian City but still pretty close. Grinning Brooklyn ran as fast as possible, wanting to be able to check in at the gym and find a phone.

Soon he managed to get into the city, walking through the streets in awe at the sight of many humans around until Brooklyn yelped from being tackled again like before with Officer Jenny.

Gargoyles: Brooklyn's Pokémon JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now