Kanto: Brooklyn Catches a Pokèmon!

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Sorry about the waiting, mostly writer's block and stuff that gets in the way a lot. Chapter is a little short but next one should be his first gym battle and catching another Pokemon too.

Update: next chapter is really him getting to meet Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny in Viridian City after he catches one more Pokemon at the lake where Misty is.


Slowly trekking through the fields towards the forest ahead, Brooklyn adjusted his shoulder bag, hoping that sooner or later he would come across any Pokemon. He didn't really care what he caught, as long as he caught something, anything.

For Charmander the little guy was enjoying himself inside his new Pokeball, knowing he needed to sleep in case they had to do battles. Brooklyn stared up at the sun, wondering if he would reach Viridian City before sunset. He knew he could glide but then that wouldn't give him much time to catch anything.

So far, nothing turned up in sight of Brooklyn for him to catch which frustrated him greatly, deciding to stop and take a rest beside a tree, wiping his forehead in exhaustion since this was a hot morning, still not quite used to being out in the daytime.

"Boy, who would've thought that doing this Pokemon stuff would be difficult in real life. I don't even know where to go after I get my first badge or what Pokemon to catch first." Brooklyn muttered to himself under his breath, as he pulled out the Pokeball his Charmander was in, calling him out.

Charmander turned around, tilting his head. "Char!" He squeaked, his eyes looking a little hungry. Brooklyn smiled a little as he pulled out some food back from Oak's lab. "Yeah, I'm hungry too. Maybe food will help me be more focused." The gargoyle said, eating an apple to start along with throwing Charmander a piece of meat. Charmander ate that instantly, snuggling against his master's leg more.

After eating his lunch for a bit, Brooklyn began to feel rather tired again, figuring one nap couldn't hurt since he wasn't in that big of a hurry, yawning and curling up there under his tree to sleep, Charmander purring beside him.

As Brook slept the day away, near mid afternoon some Spearow and even Rattata had suddenly appeared, having smelled Brooklyn's food still lying there on the ground and seeing the strange creature before them that wasn't human or Pokemon.

The first Spearow glared at the sight of that Charmander cuddling against that abomination creature, giving a low caw sound while Rattata got too curious, going up to their picnic and nibbling on the apple core.

Spearow flapped into the air, going to land on top of Brooklyn's head who didn't notice at first, still sleeping rather soundly though lightly grunted from the feeling of the talons on his skin. Spearow squawked, scratching Brooklyn with a quick slash of its talons, which made the gargoyle jerk, opening his eyes letting out a yelp, slapping his head on his forehead and making the Spearow fly off.

Shaking himself and wondering who scratched his head, Brooklyn turned to Charmander. "Charmander, why did you...?" He gasped when seeing a little purple rat Pokemon eating his food, making his eyes glow viciously. "Hey, stop that! Get away!" Brook roared, swiping his own talons, making the Rattata squeak out, taking some bread with it into the field. If Brooklyn hadn't swiped out like that he would've caught the Pokemon. This made him realize, groaning at his stupidity.

A squawking caught his attention however, seeing the one who had scratched him in the first place. it was a bird type Pokemon that reminded Brooklyn of a crow but also a sparrow combined. Perhaps this could be his chance!

He pulled out his Pokedex, pointing it at the Pokemon. "What kind of Pokemon is this?" Brooklyn asked to the device which answered: "Spearow, a bird Pokemon. This kind of Pokemon tends to be more fierce than its counterpart Pidgey. It is jealous of other trained Pokemon and will attack humans openly."

Brooklyn stroked his chin

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Brooklyn stroked his chin. "Well, I'm no human. Maybe this Spearow would trust me better." He said thoughtfully, drawing out a Pokeball, preparing to throw it at the Spearow. "I am gonna catch you uh... Spearow!" He yelled out, throwing oothe ball towards the Spearow which opened up, sending a laser at it then somehow materialized the Pokemon inside. It stunned Brooklyn since that looked like magic to him, hoping he had actually caught one.

But then a few minutes after that; the Pokeball opened again, Spearow reappearing, squawking it's name in fury, flapping its wings and soaring towards Brooklyn who leapt out of the way. His Pokedex spoke again. "You have to send your starter Pokemon to battle new ones and weaken them before catching."

It made Brooklyn roll his eyes at that. "Should've guessed. Charmander, get in there!" He roared, pointing as Spearow tried to attack again. Charmander swatted Spearow with his tail before Spearow could claw Brooklyn's face off. The bird fell down to the ground before getting back up instantly, squawking even more furiously.

Brooklyn at first didn't know what moves he could use against Spearow until he remembered that flamethrower one he saw back at his old home. He gave a little smile as he got Charmander to do the move. "Do your Flamethrower, Charmander!"

Charmander glared hard at his rival, feeling his energy building and then set loose a huge flame, Spearow squawking loudly from the flames striking him hard until Charmander knew Spearow had enough. The bird fell to the ground, twitching and singed a little but not too hurt thankfully since Brooklyn didn't want to greatly injure anyone. Next he threw the Pokeball remembering more of what Lex told him about in the show. "Pokeball, go!" He roared, the Pokeball catching up Spearow with it's energy beam, finally containing Spearow inside. Brooklyn watched intently, seeing it twitch for a few moments before a soft ding came. He caught him!

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! I caught Spearow!" Brook exclaimed, taking up his new Pokemon in the ball triumphantly, Charmander jumping up and down in happiness, Brooklyn petting his head. "You did good too, buddy. Glad you're here with me." He said gently, Charmander cooing and nuzzling against his hand.

Now that his first Pokemon had been caught successfully, Brooklyn knew he had to carry on from here, seeing a forest and a small lake not too far from this field, packing up what he had lying out. "Come on, bud, you can rest now." Brooklyn said, Charmander going back into his Pokeball. The red gargoyle put both of his Pokemon on his belt with his loincloth, straddling his bag as he ventured towards his next destination, wondering what other types of Pokemon out there are waiting for him to catch next, now a little more confident in his journey having succesfully caught one in battle.

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