Kanto: Magikarp and Viridian City

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After successfully catching a Spearow, Brooklyn proceeds his way to Viridian City, both walking and gliding, desperate to get there and to strengthen up his two Pokemon.

"I know I... I can get there. And soon my first gym battle too." Brooklyn muttered to himself. But when he went to get a drink, he couldn't even get water out of it, groaning in annoyance, knowing he had to find some kind of water source.

Sniffing the air, he soon smelled out some water for himself, climbing a tree and taking into the air, eyes scanning about until he saw that lake from his walking earlier. A smile was on his beak, looking forward to filling up his canteen along with getting something to eat in Viridian City too.

My Pokemon are probably pretty beat too. If there is a gym in Viridian City, who knows if a level 6 Charmander and a new Spearow could take on whatever Gym Leader is there,Brooklyn thought, eyes casting down to his bag where his Pokemon are safe inside. At least he didn't have to physically carry Charmander out of his ball anymore. Who knew Pokeballs were so light.

Soon he landed near the river, pulling out his canteen and filling it up. Brooklyn drank the whole thing then soon called out his two Pokemon to give them drinks as well.

Spearow Brooklyn found out on his way was a female, since she seemed pretty fierce. Spearow squawked up at him, gazing at the red gargoyle with her sharp eyes. Brook grinned at her. "H-Hi Spearow. Hope you're thirsty. I found some water."

It had Spearow squawk its name again, putting her beak into the stream to drink, Charmander doing so as well. Brooklyn sat back, smiling at the sight though he wished other Pokemon could show up soon. His stomach rumble, opening up his bag, Brooklyn stared in disappointment as he saw there wasn't much food left except for two sandwiches.

"Ugh, I need more food. Suppose I can give the other to Charmander and Spearow," Brooklyn decided as he split up the sandwich for them both. "Here you go guys." Charmander took the sandwich half in his hands, smiling at him and beginning to eat while Spearow ate the other.

Brooklyn stared down at the water while eating, wondering if there could be anybody to give him directions and if there was any Pokemon living in the surface.

Meanwhile under the river a Magikarp swam about, its face looking rather lonely. He had been searching for a while to find the right trainer for him, and most of the time was rejected since he was considered a useless Pokemon.

Magikarp murmured under its breath and swam lazily along until it spotted someone on the shore, but it didn't look like a human or a Pokemon. Magikarp burbled its name, swimming a little bit closer and saw Brooklyn, his eyes rounding but seeing how sad the new person was.

Maybe this can be my new trainer... Magikarp thought, wiggling it's side fins in excitement. Magikarp decided to swim up to the surface and greet its possible new friend.

While Brooklyn sat there, munching his sandwich, his ears picked up the sound of the river bubbling. Looking over, he saw something swimming. Tensing, Brooklyn waited to see what would come out until to his surprise a large red thing jump out, smacking Brooklyn right in his face.

Brooklyn screeched in pain from how hard the thing's skin was, falling down on his bottom and causing Spearow and Charmander to jump from whoever assaulted them, Charmander glaring until his eyes calmed down when seeing nothing but a Magikarp flopping there on the ground.

"Ugh, what hit me?" Brooklyn huffed in irritation, rubbing his head.

"Magikarp, Magikarp," a voice came, Brooklyn's vision clearing to see a strange red fish with a crown flopping on the ground, staring up at him with a wide eyed vision. Brooklyn blinked a couple times, pulling out his Pokedex. "Pokemon or a fish?" He pointed it at the red fish and he was startled when seeing it show up.

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