Kanto: Injured Pokemon and The Samurai

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When he came out of stone in the next night, Brooklyn now decided it was the right time to travel out of Viridian City and venture towards Pewter City, wanting to get to his first gym battle as quickly as possible.

He glided away over the town, getting close to a dense forest that would take two days of walking on foot but hoping for Brooklyn just a night's glide or so.

Brooklyn soared in the wind, ensuring his Pokemon were safe in his pouch since he didn't want to lose any of them, noting how far away the end of the woods was. When it got close to sunrise, Brook eventually decided to halt for a bit to eat and then travel onward. He had been unaware that Ash and Misty had earlier faced Team Rocket who tried stealing his Pikachu, wondering if he would find anymore new Pokemon.

The red gargoyle landed near a tree in the middle of the wood, panting a little from how achy his wings were, taking out some food for himself. Nurse Joy had given him special food for his Pokemon too, glad to be near a river so his Magikarp could swim for a while, spotting all sorts of bug Pokemon around too.

One worm with a horn caught his eyes. Brooklyn opened his Pokedex and lifted it up to it. "Weedle, this bug Pokemon's horn packs a powerful sting and its final form is a Beedril, even more dangerous than a Weedle."

Brooklyn then knew he would probably desire to avoid any kinds of Beedrill lurking around, wrapping his wings around himself and calling out some of his Pokemon, Charmander, Spearow and Magikarp appearing out of their Pokeballs

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Brooklyn then knew he would probably desire to avoid any kinds of Beedrill lurking around, wrapping his wings around himself and calling out some of his Pokemon, Charmander, Spearow and Magikarp appearing out of their Pokeballs.

Charmander jumped about. "Char!" He squeaked, after Magikarp landed happily into the river, chanting it's name. Brooklyn petted Charmander on the head, Spearow cawing out, her eyes spotting the food bag he had. "Here you go guys. We got a long way before we arrive in Pewter City." He offered, piling some up for them and tossing Magikarp a couple too who leapt up and ate the bits.

Brooklyn had to admit Charmander looked cute while eating his food, Spearow pecking at it until his ears picked up some noises that sounded like a distressed sound along with buzzing. Brook stood up, the Pokemon halting in their eating to listen too.

"Come on, guys. We gotta check this out." Brooklyn exclaimed, using his Pokeball to call Magikarp back in, while the other land Pokemon followed him in suit. "Spearow, can you find where the sound is coming from?"

Spearow cawed back at her trainer, soaring into the sky to find what the sound was, her sharp eyes darting about until the distressed noise came from a clearing ahead. Sqawking in alarm, Spearow flew back to alert Brooklyn who waited anxiously.

Brooklyn spotted his Spearow returning, his ears shot up in alert, Spearow cawing it's discovery. "What did you find girl?" Brook asked, Spearow flying back again, crying out to Brooklyn to follow her. Brook took to the sky after calling Charmander into the Pokeball. The buzzing grew louder and louder, the distressed noise getting louder too, Brooklyn's eyes rounding after entering a clearing; he couldn't believe what he saw.

Gargoyles: Brooklyn's Pokémon JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now