Kanto: Beginning the Journey

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Brooklyn himself was rather stunned at what he heard, feeling stock still while that little Pokemon clung to his leg even further like a leech, continuing to repeat its name.

"A-Are you for real dude? A Pokèmon?! This is nuts! It is only a game!" Shouted Brooklyn, his eyes suddenly startingi to glow bright like they normally did whenever he got angry. Lexington held out his hands for defense.

"Just hear what I have to say. I think that this little guy came to this world somehow, though not sure what caused him to arrive in ours. But maybe, this... this is your chance to find a new destiny for yourself bro like how many of us had found ours. A Pokèmon trainer."

That made the red gargoyle's world to crash down around him. This wasn't real. It wasn't real! But that little Pokèmon beast was still clinging to his leg, nuzzling him. "I just... don't know how to feel about all this. I don't know about this stuff like you do. What is this Pokèmon again?" Brooklyn questioned, finally prying the dragon thing off of his leg, holding it up by the scruff of its neck.

Lexington grinned in a humorous manner. "Why it is a Charmander, one of the starter Pokèmon in the Kanto region, Palet Town. The Charmander really seems to like you Brook."

Brooklyn simply looked at the 'Charmander' with a raised brow, wondering what kinds of 'powers' this thing could have

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Brooklyn simply looked at the 'Charmander' with a raised brow, wondering what kinds of 'powers' this thing could have. "And what makes him so special?" He asked while the Pokèmon repeated it's name.

He soon got his answer as Charmander suddenly let loose one of its fireblasts, nearly singing the hairs on his head, making Brooklyn yelp aloud, dropping Charmander by accident, the others and Elisa to dodge the flames as well. Charmander finally stopped blasting, giving Brooklyn a smile while Brooklyn coughed from the smoke.

Lexington shrugged. "It mostly has a flamethrower attack but other attacks as well. And if trained properly, it could metamorph into Charmeleon, then the big dragon Charizard." He explained, Brooklyn staring down at Charmander, amazed he could soon one day be bigger than him.

"You for sure he wants me as his 'trainer' when I know nothing balls about Pokèmon? And how can I leave the clan with the Quarrymen on the loose?"

Goliath stroked his chin for a while before having a thought. "It could give us great reinforcements to face against Castaway and his men to end their Hunt once and for all with these little ones by our side. And Brooklyn, being in charge of these 'Pokèmon' can have you be able to learn more stratistics when it come to planning attacks. Maybe, this Pokèmon training will be good for you."

Brooklyn swallowed while Charmander returned to hugging his leg again. "But... but... I don't wanna leave the clan. Don't you all need me?" He asked in a saddened voice. Hudson took Brooklyn's hand. "Think of this as a learning experience for ye, a way to visit a brand new world. We will all be here when you return."

The younger youth then thought for a time when he asked Goliath when he would get his own world tour. A small light then brightened. Having his own adventures, without Goliath hanging over his head expecting him to be perfect in the clan all the time? It sounded nice, even if he was going to be alone all the time.

Gargoyles: Brooklyn's Pokémon JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now