Kanto: Squirtle And the Pewter Gym

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Sorry about how long this one took but I did it!


While gliding for another mile and a half for most of the day thanks to his bracelet, Brooklyn eventually saw the horizon of the forest close to Pewter City. At least he hoped it was that, smiling as he landed to catch his breath, and maybe keep an eye out for anymore useful Pokemon for him to catch.

"I wouldn't mind another actual useful water Pokemon, or a ground Pokemon." Brooklyn murmured while he spotted a nearby creek, going to fill his bottle for the last part of his trip.

While he filled his canteen, something squirted him in the face, knocking Brooklyn onto his butt again like what had happened with Magikarp. He spluttered, shaking his head. "What in the world?" Brooklyn gasped, eyes widening when seeing something in the creek.

It appeared to be a strange looking turtle like Pokemon, sounding like it was laughing. "Squirtle!" It called in a pranking way, waving its arms. Brooklyn frowned. "Very funny. You got me soak... hey!"

The Squirtle sent another water blast at him, some of it getting in Brooklyn's eyes, Brooklyn stepping backward away from it. Brooklyn spluttered further, pulling out his Pokedex to learn more about this Pokemon.

"Squirtle. The small turtle Pokemon. The Squirtle is born with a shell that hardens to a rock-hard consistency as it grows older. It also has the ability to retract its softer head and limbs into this shell in order to protect itself as it uses its array of bubble- and water-jet-based attacks."

The Pokedex read, Brooklyn grumbling under his breath, still rather wet

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The Pokedex read, Brooklyn grumbling under his breath, still rather wet. "Well, I did say I wanted a more powerful water Pokemon for the gym battle. So, guess this one is my best bet. And it is a water type. Then that means... Charmander, I choose you!"

He tossed his Pokeball, Charmander racing towards the Squirtle, getting into its battle stance. Sensing the coming battle, the Squirtle retaliated, going into its own battle stance too. "Squirtle!" It growled, looking quite tough now. Brooklyn knew he really had to catch this one.

"Hold your ground, Charmander. Don't let a little water defeat ya!" Brooklyn commanded, Charmander nodding to him with a grin. Squirtle suddenly shot a water blast. Narrowing his eyes, Brooklyn knew what to do. "Charmander; flamethrower!"

Charmander's fire built up in his stomach, sending his fire blast at Squirtle's, managing to steam it up, knocking Squirtle off its feet, but the little guy was still wanting to battle even if he had no chance against a strong firetype like Charmander.

"Tackle attack, Charmander! We've weakened it!" Brooklyn shouted, Charmander charging full force, using its tail to knock Squirtle away, Squirtle crying out, collapsing looking a little winded. This was an opportunity to catch it.

Brooklyn took out his next Pokeball. "Pokeball, go!" He threw it with force, the ball hitting against the winded Squirtle, the red beam pulling it inside. The Pokeball wiggled for a while, Brooklyn feeling a bead of sweat coming down his face, hoping he caught a new Pokemon. Soon it stopped wiggling, and lay still with one last beep.

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