chapter 9

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~ Charlie's POV ~

I sit down next to Ollie and hug him tightly while he hides his face in his hands. "w-when am i g-going to stop fee-ling like t-this?? I'm s-so done, so done w-with every-thing, i-i don't w-want to f-feel like this a-any-more." Ollie says in between sobs and it breaks my heart. "it's going to be okay Oll" i tell him knowing that it won't solve any problems right now, but it sometimes helps to hear someone else tell you that. "we're here for you bud" Nick adds.

"when is your therapy apoointment?" i ask him. "T-tuesday, but i don't want to go.. I'm scared" he says while looking at me terrified. "Would i help if someone comes with?" i ask him, debating if i should come with. Ollie's face looks relieved right away "can you both come?" he asks us. before i can say ofcourse, Nick already says it too "ofcourse Ollie!" and Ollie hugs us out of relievement. 

"we will help you every step of the way Olls" Nick says to Ollie and Ollie thanks him. And now i need to ask this for his own safety, even though it's not really the moment. "Ollie do you have any other sharp objects somewhere in your room?" Oliver immediately looks down and fidgets with his hands and i already know the answer that's about to come. He slightly nods his head yes, not looking at either of us. "where?" Nick asks him. "i don't want t-to say" Ollie says still looking at the floor. 

~ Nick's POV ~

I crouch down in front of Ollie and place my hand on Ollie's leg. "Ollie bud it's for the best if you tell us" i tell him in a soft tone. I really hope he'll give it to us. It's silent for a moment and then Ollie replies "o-okat f-fine, but can i g-give you something else then t-too?" he asks us. Charlie imediately tells him "ofcourse." I wonder what he wants to give us. 

Charlie and i step out for a bit and Ollie grabs some stuff in his room and his bathroom before he lets us back in. He hands us two little boxes. "please don't open it in front of mefore i change my mind" he says being extremely nervous, i can tell. "that's okay Ollie we won't" Charlie tells him and he already looks a little bit relieved. Still anxious, but a little less.

"thank you for giving it to us, we're proud of you Ollie" i tell him and he smiles at me. I wouldn't fully understand how hard this is to give, but i can only imagine how hard it is and i'm so proud of him for giving in. "this is a big step in recovery Ollie." Charlie tells him and he goes in for a hug and i join him, giving Ollie all the love he deserves. 

Oliver decides to go to bed and we leave him alone and go downstairs. Charlie and i go and sit at the table with the boxes. "Should we open it?" i ask him and he nods his head but i can see he's a little bit uncomfortable. "hey Char, you don't have to open it if it's too much for you" i tell him holding his hands in mine. Charlie looks at me "i want too, i want to help him, but i'm kinda scared to see what's inside" he tells me. "if you're sure you want to open it too, we'll do it together and i'll help you." i say to him and he smiles at me "y-yeah lets do it" he says, a shaky voice appearing. "Char baby take a few deep breaths, we won't open it if it makes you too uncomfortable" Charlie takes a few deep breaths with me and i can see him being more relaxed "no it's okay, i'm okay now."

We open the boxes together and inside one of them there's a lot of food and in the other one there's a bunch of blades, a scissor and even a knife. "oh Oll" Charlie says and i can see him tearing up and i wrap him into a hug right away "i don't want my little brother to feel like this" he cries out. I just keep hugging Charlie calming him down. "i'm proud of him for giving us the food on it's own" Charlie says after a while of hugging. "that's a good step, i'm glad he trusts us." i tell him and we keep hugging. "thank you for helping him today, i love how you care so much for Ollie" Charlie tells me while looking up at me and smiling with the most beautiful smile. "always Char, i love Ollie like it's my own little brother" i tell him. I really love Ollie so much. 

We break the hug "he's going to get help, he will be okay" i say to Charlie giving him some reassurance. Charlie lets out a deep breath "yeah he will." He puts his head in my chest and hugs me again and i kiss his head. 

"everything will be okay" i tell him.

"everything will be okay" he sighs out in relief and then we kiss.


A/N: Do you guys want me to continue this story or leave it here? <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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