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"Since we've only just met, wait here in the lobby and I'll come back with the book," Yeonjun offers.


Dasom sits in the lobby on one of the high seats by the window.

There was construction going on outside, and as usual, hard hat-wearing workers who were mostly standing around and not in fact working. However, the noise from outside on the street did little to interrupt the smooth jazz of the apartment lobby.

Dasom watches the elevator from her seat, seeing the doors close in front of Yeonjun as he reaches to choose the floor number of his apartment. It wasn't long since their meeting in the alleyway that they got to talking.

Dasom admired Yeonjun.

Maybe it was something about his passion, or his ability to show it off so confidently, but besides all that, she had said yes when he offered to show her his other art projects.

He said he kept everything in one big sketchbook, and it wasn't long before Dasom saw the thing in real life a few minutes later as Yeonjun returned to the lobby and sat down beside her at the table.

"Here it is!" Yeonjun placed it down on the table in front of them both. Dasom waits for Yeonjun to encourage her to open it, motioning to it excitedly.

Inside the cover was a nametag written in a hasty scrawl.

If found please return to: Choi Yeonjun

Contact: (718)403-7000

Dasom glanced at Yeonjun, of course, his handwriting was messy. Messy yes, but certainly unique.

And with another careful turn of the page, his artwork seemed to reflect that.

A blazing sunset. An ecstatic child smiling with a dripping ice cream. Two doves nestled on the fire escape.

It seemed as if each seemed to sing their truth in a way that was so humanely captured.

"You're fantastic at drawing as well" Dasom compliments, looking at Yeonjun.

He doesn't meet her eyes but just busies himself by flipping through the pages, saying "That's some of my older work, let's skip to the good ones."

But they're all good, Dasom thinks to herself quietly.

She stays silent when Yeonjun's hand brushes her own casually as he takes the book. He flips the pages in front of them and she can see how his work has progressed throughout the book.

At first, there was a mixture of distinctly graffiti-like tag pieces and distinctly landscape or portrait sketches. However, towards the end of the book it seemed he had created a skilful blend of both styles.

"Yeonjun, these are really amazing... how long have you been doing this for."

The question sat in the air for a while as Yeonjun calculated. He was disappointed with his progress even though he'd been doing this as long as he can remember. Oh well, he touches the back of his neck, he might as well be honest.

"I don't really know," he starts. "I've liked drawing since I was a child and I just kept it up I guess."

Dasom could tell from the phrasing of his words and the way he scratched the back of his neck that he probably wasn't used to getting compliments.

For sure, there would have been a lot of negative comments given to him by passersby - especially since he originally thought Dasom was going to tell him off when they first met.

Yeonjun let Dasom flick freely through the sketchbook as they exchanged thoughts about the pieces.

Yeonjun noticed that Dasom was smiling the whole time and there were moments when she was particularly absorbed in the pieces that she didn't notice Yeonjun looking at her.

"I feel like I could look at these all day" Dasom finally says, turning her attention to her walk back to her own apartment that awaited her.

"Take it home then, just give it back to me when you see me. I wanted to start a new one anyway" Yeonjun says with a shrug.

"Are you sure?" Dasom looks at him seriously. He nods in response.

"Thank you," she smiles a soft smile, one of content.

And Yeonjun also felt relief as he realised she didn't see past his insecurity. What was he thinking? He hadn't ever let anyone see this sketchbook let alone take it home. But somehow, he trusted Dasom.

"Oh, but be careful Dasom. If you lose it, I could get in trouble."

She frowns and asks why.

"Because it's incriminating evidence. I know people who have been caught because the wrong person found their sketches." Yeonjun says seriously. "Just keep it safe please."

"Of course," Dasom responds by clutching it to her chest, protective. Cute he thinks.

"Do you live far?" he asks, as they both get up from their seats.

"Yeah it's fine, I live nearby so the walk is quick" Dasom lies. She doesn't want Yeonjun to worry, not someone as cool as him anyway.

"Okay," Yeonjun smiles as he pulls open the lobby door and waves her goodbye. "Get home safely."

"Yeah, you too" Dasom replies without thinking, forgetting he's already in his apartment building.

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