Shy grin (1)

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I guess you could say I was a disappointment. Or maybe I was just a girl, in need of a better life and really any sort of safety.

My mother was murdered when I was around seven, leaving my drunken father to take care of me. He never did though, most times I was left to fend for myself growing up. He was a horrible human being and a shitty person all together.

I guess he was just so miserable all the time that he had no other choice but to drink away all his problems. And when this happened, he tended to get angry quite easily. He wouldn't hesitate to push me around when any little thing went wrong. Slaps and punches weren't uncommon either.

I'd have reported him if I could, but he was the only way I could have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in.

I was broke and sure as hell didn't have any friends.

I mean, I did work at a small bar in the outskirts of the city, but it didn't pay very well. And of course I knew a few people here and there, but they were more like acquaintances rather than genuine friends.

I didn't really do anything other than work. I couldn't afford college and it seemed everything I attempted at only brought me failure. I'd tried so many different sports and hobbies, anything to just make me a person, but nothing ever worked out.

Basically, my life was a shitshow, and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Laney! Get your ass in here now!" A muffled, angry voice shouted from across the house.

I felt my stomach drop, but I knew what was coming.

"Yes?" I spoke lightly and kindly, my voice quivering slightly as my head peaked out of the door frame.

If I triggered him anymore I'd get myself into more trouble than I was already in.

"What the hell are you using the washer for?" He questioned me as his teeth gritted harshly.

"I just needed to wash my uniform for work, I hope that's not-"

"I don't give a fuck about your goddamn work uniform! Why don't you stop thinking about yourself for once you little cunt! You know I can't afford for you to be washing every little fucking thing in this damn house!" He yelled in my face, yanking the washing machine open and throwing my damp clothes at me.

I stood astound and scared, as I typically did. But there it was, a prime example of my father.

In that moment, I had just accepted defeat for my own well being.

I guess I'd be going to work in wet clothes...


"Girl, you need to move out already. He seems like such a prick." Kate, my coworker, spoke as she wiped the counters off.

"Yeah I agree, guy seems like an asshole." George, my other coworker, agreed.

"I mean you guys aren't wrong, but where the hell would I go? I don't even have enough money for gas most of the time." I sighed as I continued dealing with the register.

"Come stay at my place, I don't mind. I've got an extra bedroom." George offered.

"I wouldn't want to be a bother to you though." I argued, slightly flattered he was being so generous.

"No really Laney, I mean it. I don't mind at all, if anything it'd be good to have someone there so I'm not so damn lonely all the time." He laughed.

A wide smile made its way across my face at that statement.

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