Disappeared (11)

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"Have you heard from Laney? She won't answer the phone." I asked Munky as I anxiously leaned against my kitchen countertop.

"The last time I talked to her was yesterday night at the party. I haven't heard from her since." He replied casually as he looked up at me from the couch.

"Damn." I muttered.

"Why?" He raised up.

I'd spoken to her shortly at the party yesterday, but hadn't heard a word from her since then. I tried looking for her after our little encounter, but I guess she'd already left. I didn't know why she'd leave so early, it was only about 9:00 and she was typically a party all night kind of girl, but maybe something had happened to where she needed to leave.

I'd went to the motel she was staying in this morning thinking she'd be there. I figured she would probably have a raging hangover and would want some sort of comfort, but when I knocked on the door I never got an answer. I probably knocked around four or five times and stood waiting for 15 minutes. I thought, maybe she was in the shower, or maybe she was just in a really deep sleep. She usually wasn't a very deep sleeper though, so I figured she was out or either at work.

"I dont know, she just hasn't ever gone this long without saying anything to me. I went to her place this morning but she wasn't there, and I figured she might be at work or something but the diner isn't even open on Saturdays so I have no idea where she could be." I sighed, rubbing my temple.

"Hey, it's alright. She probably lost her phone or something. She could be at a friend's place for all we know." Munky attempted at comfort.

"Maybe, but don't you think she would have called me from another phone if that was the case? I haven't gotten any calls all day other than from our tour manager."

"What about that Izzy girl? She was at the party last night. They might have left together." He suggested.

"I don't have her number."

"Do you know anyone who does?"

"No, only Laney, but obviously I'm not gonna be able to get it from her." I shrugged, my anxiety growing with each sentence.

We both sat silent, we didn't know what to do. We'd ran out of options and a creeping feeling filled my heart as each minute passed by. I wasn't trying to be a controlling person or anything, but I was worried. It didn't bother me if she didn't answer the phone, but for Christ's sake, I'd called her a million times. Surely she'd have picked up eventually, but then again, maybe she lost her phone.

"What about that George guy? I know they aren't on good terms or anything, but I seen him at the party. He left with some drunk chick." Munky spoke suddenly.

"Do you really think he'll know anything though? I mean I guess it doesn't hurt to try, but I just don't wanna waste any time. Do you know if he stills lives in the same apartment?"

"I have no idea." He shrugged.

"...Alright, I'll be back." I sighed, grabbing the car keys off the table and sliding out the door.


"Oh my fucking god!" I yelled, yanking at my hair. "Where the hell is she!?" I huffed, slamming my forehead into the steering wheel. I felt my eyes tearing up, could my life get any fucking worse?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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