You say that a lot (2)

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That morning, I'd woken up to a call from George at what seemed to be the asscrack of dawn.

"Hello?" I spoke groggily as I rubbed my temple.

"Yo, sorry if I woke you up. Was just gonna ask if you needed help packing or anything."

"Oh, yeah sure man. Thanks." I smiled.

"Alright I'll be there in a few." He said before hanging up.

George had picked me up from work a few times in the past, so he knew where I lived.

And with that, I flipped my phone shut and relaxed back into my bed.

I checked my alarm clock on the nightstand, seeing that it was already 12:45 P.M. Shit, I guess it wasn't so early after all.

"Fuck." I silently cursed as I dragged myself out of bed.

My father wasn't home, and wouldn't be until late that night. I didn't plan on making a big fuss about moving out. I thought about leaving a note, but I wasn't sure I even wanted to do that.

After getting ready, I started at all the thousands of posters that scattered across my walls. Figured I'd get the most dreadful thing out of the way first.

But almost too soon, there was a knock on the front door, so I rushed to open it.

"Hey man." I smiled and welcomed him inside.

"Ignore the trash. I know it's messy as hell in here." I sighed, walking into my room.

"Wait till you see my place." He chuckled.

"This doesn't even compare." He added.

"Hm, starting to rethink moving in with you." I laughed

There was a short silence before he spoke again.

"Hey so, not to be nosey or anything, but what's up with you and that guy?" He questioned.

"What guy?"

"The one from the bar." He looked at me puzzled.

"Oh, um. I don't know, I just gave him my number that's about it really."

I'd totally forgotten about that guy. I stayed up pretty late last night getting stoned so...

My question was why did it matter to him? Him and I weren't that close. I just couldn't understand why he would be so interested in what was going on in my love life.

"Oh...gotcha." He looked off awkwardly.


"Oh, just curious." He laughed, obviously trying to brush that entire conversation off.

"Hm." I nodded, pretending that whatever the hell just happened wasn't super suspicious.

And so with that, the two of us chatted away as we packed and crammed all my stuff into whatever bags we could find.


"This is Liam, my roommate." George pointed towards the man sitting on his couch.

George had never told me about this Liam guy until just now. Actually I was told that he was lonely living in his apartment, so I assumed he lived alone...?

I just wondered which one I'd be sharing a room with.

"Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Laney." I said as I shook his hand politely.

Blind (Jonathan Davis x reader)Where stories live. Discover now