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12:45 am

Prince Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor of Wales didn't get a call from Deathcast today because he's not dying. However, something was most certainly wrong.

Henry had taken a long shower after a even longer day. When he finally climbed out, he woke up from a dozen missed calls and text from Shaan, and several White House personnel.

Before he could answer any of them, Alex and June showed up to his hotel room. June left them to talk. Alex was now sat on the neatly made hotel bed. "How's David?" Alex asked.

"He's doing great," Henry said. "Not that I've loved this spontaneous visit, but may I have the pleasure of knowing the purpose?"

"Oh, right," Alex said. "I have something I have to tell you."

Henry's phone vibrated again. It was Bea.

Bea: The news has just hit the palace. How are you holding up?

Henry: What news? I was just in the shower, and then Alex showed up. I haven't had the chance to check my phone.

Bea: I'll let him tell it.

Henry tried texting Bea again. She read his message, but didn't respond. He was now receiving text from his mother, brother, and even his grandmother. "I think you might want to sit down," Alex said. Henry wasn't used to this side of Alex. Alex could get serious, but his signature sense of humor usually cracked through. Tonight, there was no humor.

So, Henry took a seat. "If this has anything to say with the tabloids have been saying," Henry started.

"It has nothing to do with the rumors," Alex said. "The rumors don't bother me."

Is he breaking up with me? "Darling-"

"I'm dying," Alex blurted out. There was a beat of silence. Henry waited for Alex to say something. A part of Henry expected Alex to burst out laughing before telling him the real news.

There was no reprieve.

"I just got the call from Deathcast," Alex continued. "June's the only other person who knew. I came as soon as I got the call."

"Why did you immediately get into a car when you find out you're about to die?" Henry asked.

"I needed to tell you in person," Alex said.

"You bloody idiot," Henry said before breaking down. Alex wrapped his arms around Henry's torso, pulling him close. Henry sobbed into Alex's curls. This is so backwards. I should be comforting him.

They didn't speak. The room wasn't silent though. Henry attempted to collect himself. There will be time to cry. Right now, his focus will be on Alex. Anything Alex needs, Henry will make sure to provide until Alex's dying breath.

Henry took a deep, shaky breath. "So," Henry said. "How do you want to spend your final day?"

"I still need to tell my parents and Nora," Alex said. "Then, honestly, I'm just going to get my affairs in order. I need to make sure I'm a registered organ donor. Then, honestly, just go somewhere and be alone until death comes. Don't want to force anyone to watch me die."

"Alex, you don't have to die alone," Henry whispered. "I'll be with you till your final breath."

"It's better this way," Alex muttered.

"You're not scared to die alone?" Henry asked.

"Me?" Alex asked. "Never."

Alex's sense of humor returned, which scared Henry. Henry knew from past experiences that Alex was hiding his true feelings. However, he'd cross that bridge when he had to.

"You said you still have to tell your parents?" Henry asked.

"Yeah," Alex said.

"I'll come with you," Henry promised.

"Don't you have a billion meetings tomorrow?" Alex asked.

"I'll figure something out," Henry whispered. "I'm not leaving you."

"Okay," Alex said. "I got a ride with June."

The two exited the bedroom. June was on the phone with someone. "We're heading back now," June said. "Oh, okay. See you soon."

Henry took Alex's hand. "Henry's coming with us," Alex said.

"I was just on the phone with Nora, who was just screamed at by Zahra," June explained. "Apparently, someone at Deathcast leaked your name on the official list."

"Wait, really?" Alex asked. "That's like breaking so many rules. I know, I've had to study those rules."

The news has just hit the palace, Bea had texted just minutes earlier. News had been spreading like wildfire. It hadn't even an hour. Who all knew before Henry? ""Zahra had already mentioned something a potential lawsuit," June said. "Anyway, we're not going anywhere. We're going to get picked up by the secret service."

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