I've Been Behind You All Along

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Lemony Snicket was still sitting in the hidden room, in the secret tunnel network, which was now doubly secretive, as everyone else who had known about it was either dead or lost.
He had moved from it the day the Last Fire had been set, but he had been too late then, and had never tried again.
"All my work, all my research, all my life, my friends, my family, my organization, gone up in smoke," he muttered. "Figuratively and literally."
"Ah, but you see, brother, you always told such a dismal tale," the voice said, breaking his desperate rantings. It was a voice which Lemony had never thought to here again, and for a moment thought was an illusion created by his depressed mind.
But when the volunteer turned around, he found Jacques Snicket and Olivia Caliban in the flesh, beat up and starved, leaning on each other, but their eyes were glowing, and their lips were twitching into matching grins.
"Lemony," Olivia greeted. "Good to see you again."
"Good to see you as well," Lemony agreed, stunned. "I believe there is a story to tell."
And for once, he wouldn't be the one telling it.

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