mars x earth smut

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Mars and earth we're playing cards like yousual but they have bin playing fore hovers and earth got bored

"Ugh immmmm sooo bored let's play something else like truth or dear!"
Earth sed to mars as he was geating bored from playing the game fore days well it felt like it to him and he never wins. 

"Well sure I guess truth or dare earth" mars sed as he was also getting bord of wining so menny times

"Uhh truth!" Earth sed
"Hmm what hapend after you have gone and confronted the moones?" Mars sead with a genuant question becus he was quite about what happened after that.

"Well me and triten are now friends and the moon revolution is over and I think everything is now fine!" Earth sed as he was were proud that he cainged fore the better." But truth or dare!" He sed happily.

"Dare!" Sed mars not scared of what ever will happen!

"I dere you to chug a hole glass of whater in one sitting!" Earth sed as he thought that isint to hard to do.

"Alright" sed mars as he grabbed his glas of whater and chuged the hole thing

"Deamn you really did that fast! Never did I think that was gana be that fast cool!" Earth sed as he thought of how he wold do that faster to mars(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

" alright then truthe or dere!" Mars sed breath less becus he gust juged a hole glass of whater.

"Hmmmm dere!" Earth sead a bit scared of what mars can come up with

"I dere you to bring a bottle of vine and drink it every time a raund ends!"
Mars sed with a dere in his eyes

"Uhh alright gust let me get the vine" earth sed a bit scared because he never actually drunk before.

As the rounds go bye earth got more drunk every time and a bit more spicy

"Alrighht truth or dare mars!"earth sed drunker then ever

"Uhhhh dare!" Sed mars as he was also getting a bit spicy every time they played.

"I dare you to finish this hole bottle of vine I one sitting!" Earth sed as pey back fore having to drink every raund

" A-alright"sed mars as there was half of a botel left on the table and didnt think he culd but he grabed the botel of vine and chugged it in one svift move."hahaha you thought I couldent do it!" Mars sead already a bit drunk.

"We'll no I didn't that was a surprise!"
Earth sed surprised bye how he could do that but after some time the deres and truths got more spicy by the second

" Alright truth or dear earth!"sed mars with mishcive in his eyes

"Truth!" Sed earth as he wasn't priperd what's going to happen in the next few seconds

"Do you have a crush on me~?" Sed mars siductivly as he brought his face near earths

"Uhhh..." Earth didn't know what to do I mean he had a crush on mares fore years and now is the perfect timeing fore this."y-yes i do" sed earth quietly but laud enough for mars to heare it.

"Aha so you do have a crush on me that is so adorable~" send mars suductivly as earth became a bit horny.

"Well uhh truth or dear mars" sed earth fast so he cold get aute of the situation

"Hmm truth~" mars sed as he already knows what next question or dere he was gana sey.

" uhh do you have a crush on me?" Earth sed blushing more reader then vines.

" yes I do~"sed mars and getting more neare earth by the second " truth or dare earth~?"sed marse as earth got more hard.

"Uhhmm dear"earth sed a bit scared of what was gana happen

"I dare you to kiss me~" mars sed coming closer to earth and
poting his hand on his face and staring to macke aute

                   Smut worning!!!!

As they we're making aute mars palmed the others dick and moving his hand slowly "guhhh~ gust go ea~sy on me~" as he sed that mars startrd to tache of his and earths shirt. Then when he got it of he looked at the other fore a second and then starting to lick earths neck "ahhh~" earth moned and when he did that mars knew he found his sweet spot and stated nubelin and beiting it  and other spots to earth was moning and marse got hard to so he started to tackle of his pants and his partners to, they we're fully naked now they stered at each other fore hot minit until marse wanted more frome earths body he stared kissing him and then liked the bottom lip of earhs mauth cosing it to open as he smiled his thung in earth maulth earth groend newer knowing this feeling as mars started lcking evre crevic of earths maulth he stated jurking of earth earths stared to moen wen mars did that. Then mars stoped kissing and jerking him off and poled aut lube he put it on his fingers and turned earth araund and put one finger in " ahhhhh~" earth moned at the suden action and marse puts a nother in wich made earth mone lauder and mars pure a thered one and started to stretching him aut in a siser stile " Ahhhhh~ m-mars stop tising me and f-ucck me already ~" sad earth in the middle of moning "well aren't you nedy~?" Mars sed"whay dont you aske bit more politely huh~" as he sed that he started to streach and fiucking him with his finger " ahh~ please fuck m~ee mars I what you in~side of me~!" As he sed that mars tuke his fingers aut of earths ass and alined it with earths entrance "guhhh~ fuck me like there is no tomorrow~!" Earth sed at that marse trusted his hole langht in him he was pretty big earth was fealing plesher and pein as mars came to earths ear and sed" whay arent you a slut fore me huh~?" And then "tell me when youre confetrble so I can start~" as some few minutes pas bye earth moves his hips a bit to signal he's ready as marae started thrustim the roome started to get filed with mones frome earth "well arnt you enjoing this~" earth culdnt say anything as he was getting fucked frome the backe as there we're no response was heard mars started to go faster with that he asked again " is this good I whana heare you set it~" as that was see earth berly culd say anything but musterd up something"yea-yes it i-s~" fore that mars started to jerk earth of with one hand earth was over stimilaited and the roome was fulle of mones and havy breathing as earths eyes gone to the back of his head and his tung auto mars gotten faster and was getting sloppy with his fucking "in or aute~?" Sed mars " I-n ahhh~" earth sed before he came also on both of there chests and mars did a final thrust balls dep in earth and finally relising after that earth calapsed onto mars and  mars puled aute and there was a pop sound then they went to there roome with earth and they calapsed on the bed "we sholde do this more oftin this was amazing you felt amazing" mars sed aut of breath earth gust nodded becus he was aut of breath olso "those this mean we are a thing now?" Earth asked " I mean if you whant to." Earth noded and got close to mars and then they cudeld tughether and sleeped with each other

Alright this is my first book so please no hate and if I spelled something wrong please tell me! Thanks for reading! 1322 words

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