hello and good bye

275 5 2

I'm not going to poste anymore becus number one my gremer everybody has commented on it that its bad and I know and thats why i whanted to right this book but its all fine I did not get efended or anything I gust think that some people culd not actually read this, second school and home problems at school I'm getting a lot of tests and grades and I have a lot of stuff to do as you can all relate to that I think but yes home stuff is more pursinul and tree I don't wanna Right enymore I gust can't and don't have time thats what I have not bin posting so much.

As fore you all I wish to thank you all with all the support and we even reached 1k reads isn't that cool? I'm really sorry for the people that looked forward to this book but I must idmit my gramer is horid and I can't anymore.

Thank you all fore reading this and I wish you all well and a good future I love you all good bye:)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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