jupiter x saturn fluff

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Jupiter was gust reading his book and relaxing when suddenly a nother planit inturupted him

"Hay jupy what are you reading?" saturn was happy to see Jupiter as Jupiter was olso happy to see him

"Oh nothing gust some stuff that I'm interested in, what about you?" Jupiter sed "oh and did you find your moons? I found my moons" asked Jupiter to saturn becus he knew he was attached to his moons and he did cry because he couldn't find them

"Oh yeah I'm so glad there back I was gating so nervous if they maby got in trouble but titon got hurt!" Saturn sed in a sad tone

"Oh well but hay atleast he's heare and not missing animore look at the good side they coled have bin missing fore a bit longer but now he's heare!" Jupiter sed in a confurting tone because he knows that saturne is emotionally.

"Yeah you're right at least he's back" sed saturn in a happyish tone but was curies about what Jupiter was reading 
"But what are you reading?" Asked saturn

"Oh im readying some things about humins never did I think they we're this complex"as he sed that he started to talk non stop about what he read and saturne lisend to everything that Jupiter sed never inturupting he loves to gust look at him and lisin what he ses

"And thats all that I really know fore now I didn't read the hole thing so he didn't say everything that was ritin down

"You wer right it is quite complex! But do you what coffee ore tee while you read the rest?" Asking because he knows he has more to read if he wasent rembeling fore more then 3 hover

"Oh if you're asking I'd like a tee please?" Sed Jupiter in a calm tone

"Shuger or no shuger or do you whant honey with youre tee?" Asked saturn if Jupiter whants something with his tee

"Uh nothing I already have the shuger" sed Jupiter as saturn blushed madly and gust walked away to the kitchen to make the tee

As he was back he ses Jupiter sleeping on the couch I mean it was a bit late so saturn didn't mind him sleeping so he grabbed a blanket and sat next to him and covering him and Jupiter with the blanket and also falling asleep on a coled winter night with a fire keaping them worme in the inside of there house.

Ok guyse im not going to be righting as much because of school and stuff but I think you will onderstant it! Olso this was a short one becus I already have a lot of things to do. Thank you fore reading 459 words

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