i nead youre help!

233 2 8

Ok so uh please give me some ships oh and the next one is gana be published on valentines on my b day fore all ho don't know I wish you all a good valentines day! And PLEASSSSS give me ships so I can continue this book! Olso sorry fore not posting uh a lot of things have happened and I'm suffering a los in my family but my apologies gang hmm what do I call you all? Gang? Friends? Chums? Idk what do you think anyways please give me some requests so I can continue to right and make my righting much better uh I am dyslexic and I'm not from the parts that speaks English so ye. Wish you all well and have a great day or night were ever you are cya guys!!!!!!♡´・ᴗ・'♡
Bruh they sed that this story is 35 second readable uh nu uh it the fuck not hmm what ells do i talk about hm maybe I can showe some art

 Wish you all well and have a great day or night were ever you are cya guys!!!!!!♡´・ᴗ・'♡Bruh they sed that this story is 35 second readable uh nu uh it the fuck not hmm what ells do i talk about hm maybe I can showe some art

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