mars x uranus smut!

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It was a lovely day in fact it was valentines day uranus was looking up to the day becus he was gana cunfes his feelings to mars he had a crush on him for some time now so he disided that valentines day would be a good time for it. But he didn't know what to say to him or bring him so he asked his cousin Neptune fore help but he wasn't much help as he was busy with his moons and taking cere of them so he disided to aske the best friend of mars earth he definitely knows something to help him!

"Hay earth! I need you're help with something!" Sed uranus in a shay tone

"Oh hay Neptune what do you need help with?"sed earth in a happy tone because vines asked him aute on a date

"Well you're best friends with mars right?" "Yes whay?" "Well I whana ask him aute on a date.But I don't know what to say or bring or where to go!" Sed uranus in a sad and pleading tone.

"Oh well I can help with that!" Sed earth in a happy tone since he was happy to see that somebody is gana ask mars aute becuse mars was a bit sad becus he thought nobody wanted him

"Great so what should I do?"sed uranus in a happy tone

"Well first of you gaya bring him some flowers, and get dressed nicely! Hm he likes wine red wine so bring him somewhere romantic you know like a restaurant or you could set up something else like a picnic! Hmm I think thats all! Just don't forget the wine." Sed earth knowing his best friend fore quite some time

"Alright thank you earth!" Sed uranus now knowing what to do as he gotten ready fore the date he send a message to mars.

Mars.                                                Uranus

                                                    Hay mars!

Yes uranus?


Spit it aute
                                  You whana go aute             
                                  with me? On a date?

I'll be ready at 8
and yes I will go!

                                    Oki cya then love                                                                                                                
Love you too

When he saw the answer he was exploding with joy and hart in his eyes it was 7:30 so he took his things and left and drove his car to marses house

He weited until he saw mars, mars was looking like a angel that gust feel from the skye mars ran to the car end opened the door

"Hay uranus!" Sed mars in a happy and low tone uranus on the othere hand was blushing madly and never knew that he volde poled a guy like him

"Hay mars! How are you doing?" Sed uranus in a shy wey

" oh i great newer knew that id have a date at all, nether a guy like you~" see mars in a suductiv tone wich made uranus blush as red as a tumaito

"So where are we going~?" Sed mars again in a suductiv way

(whay is my mars such a hore in my storys? but anyways back to the story)

"Were going to a nice restaurant! I think youre gana love it!" Sed uranus in a happy and studering tone.

" is there gana be wine?" Sed mars in a questioning tone

"Yes there is gana be wine red wine I know its youre favorit" sed uranus

"Oh wow newer knew you knew much about me~ mady i cu-" mars was cut off whene the care stopped and uranus sed " we are heare!" It was a fancy restaurant a expensive one at that marae heard that they sell the best wine he was exited.

As they got in they we're holding hands uranus was blushing madly and mars was olso blushing but not as a tomaito they sat at there table and ordered wine and food red wine of course

"So you have a crush on me huh~?" sed marse in a suductive and low tone as he drank some wine

As uranus was blushing and cufesed at the question.

" if thats so then after this were coming to my home~" he send seductevly and uranus was blushing but didn't know what that ment (what a inisint litel planit)

As some time pases bye mars got drunk and started to flirt more then ever and uranus was well also a bit drunk but not as much as mars

"So when are we going to my place~?"
Sed mars suductevly in a question in his tone

"Wel we can go right now if you whant." Sed uranus " Great~" sed marse satisfied with the ancer as they pay the go back to the car and drive to marses house the care ribe was just constant flirting and a lot of not kid frandly jokes in the car and uranus was blushing badly at the noghty jokes 

* Smut worning!!!*

As they araywe mars toke uranus and ran to his house doore and unlocked it and walked in as they walked in uranus was pind to the wall bye mars ho was really close to him and started kissing him passionately and uranus was stunned and liked it as they we're making aute mars startes to rub his knee on the blue planets erection which made uranus mone aute of plashure

"You like that don't you~" sed mars grinding at the bottom planet uranus couldn't say anything he was in to much pleasure so he gust nodded as a response then mars picked up uranus still making aute and walked to his room he tossed the blue planit and went on top of him and taking of there shirts and pants then mars bit and left marks on the blue planets neck then he fauned the sweet spot "Oh~ Right there~! Right there mars~!" Sed the blue planet as he mones aute the words as mars started kissing and sucking the part of the blues planets neck he started to polm there erection as uranus moned mars sed something in the bluse eare " there is gana be 7 planets whene I destroy your  you're anus~" as he send that he started pulling of his underwear and the others of then mars startrd do suck and lick his partners erection as the roome was filing up frome mones there was one laude one before it endid uranus came in to the reds Olen its mauth but they did not mind and swolowed it all but it wasn't all done as the red planet turns the other around and puts one finger in the others ass " it hurts a bit~" sex the blue planet in a exosted wey "yeah just tell me when you're streched so we can continue aure play time" mars sed laughing a bit suductiv which uranus blush more reder then the sun. As mars putse a noter he started sisering then put the third one in then uranus started to move his hips signulig he was red then mars puts his erection in the blue planets ass as they mone " you are bigger then I thought ~" sed uranus before mars started to go slowlly in and aute then urainus sed "go a bit faster Pls ah~" as mars started to go faster the roome was getting fild wit sking smaking and mones  as the red planit gose faster they bicome more slapyer bye evry thrust " in or aute darling ~" end all that the blue planet see was " i-N ah~" as in minits mara came inside of urabnus and the romeo was fild with a laude mone aute of the blue planets mauth as mars calapsed he pulled sure and there was a pop saude when he did it the red planet calapsed next to the blue one which was sleeping becis how tierd he was as he cudeld with him and drifted off to sleep and kissed the blue planets forhead and coved them up with a blanket.

Guys really sorry I didn't posted this suner but heard you all go a uranus x mars story every time I righting smut it has a lot of words welp I wish you all a good day or night depending on where you live but good bye dudes!

1366 words

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