mars x venus fluff♡

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It was a great day for mars becus he was coming over to venuses house after he finished his game with earth as of that mars had a question for him

"Hey earth?" Sed mars in a questioning tone "yes mars whats bothering you?" Sed the earth in a questioning tone and streit up "well im coming over to venuses house to hang out but i dont know what i shold bring!" Sed mars in a panicing and stressed tone " whow whow chil rilacs i know just the thing" sed earth in a mischief "and no im not bringing the grees mitholig book that you tod me abaut." Sed mars straight up "yesh culd have just sed no" as he bropes the book on the tabel " well i stil have a good idea of what you could brig maby some games chocolate he loves chocolate uh a blanket he doesn't have many blankets at his house so you shuld bring him one!" Sed the eart in a exited tone becus he loves shiping them together always saying there like a cupel but venus always blushes at that comment as the too planits have finished the game they sed there good byes and good luck to the red/brown planit 

As the orange planit got ready he pet his cat snuggles good bye and drowe to the red planets home as he did that he saw a nice confurting home as he got aute of the car and knocked on the dore to see venus ho was actually quite tired but as mars loked at the time it was 9:00am so he didnt really say anything as they walk in the red planit askes if the orange plait hase anything or has brought to the hombel abode " did you bring anything?" Mars risponds wit " ah uh yes i did actually i brought you something to!" As he pules aute a blanket the red planit gasped the blanket was pirfect he liked fluffy things especially animals he loves cats "so are you gana give me a tore or what?" Sed mars in a questioning tone as he didnt really know the lay aute of his friends home as he did do that they stoped at the living room they had a blanket and some snaks so they disided to wach some Netflix as  they have bin daitig but never actually toled anybody so the talked abaut teling the others abute the relationship but disided not to yet at list but the rest of the nights was a blast untill venus fell asleep he was on the shoulder of the other planits as mars saw this he smiled and kissed him on the lips and then on the forehead as they snuggle up mars sed good night quiet enough so he didnt wack up the red planit.♡

This was a short one but I actually really like this one idk it just stends aute olso is it gust me or are my smut story's longer than this fluff ons. Olso I like writing fluff more but becus I haven't bin righting in a while so i whanted to ask if the next one should be smut or fluff? If nobody sas anything then I will pick! Thank you fore reading! 549 words.

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