triton x ganymede fluff

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Oleo thenk you fore requesting I rely apreshieit it! I hope you like this one!

As triton was doing his thing and not really talking cear of the moons sumbody showed up

"H-h-hey triten!" Sed ganymede as the moons soraunded him as they wer all exited to see him once more

"Oh hay ganymede! What's up?"sed triten olso quit happy to see him to but staying chill and cool as he alweys dose.

"Oh nothing I j-j-just wanted to see you thats-s all, what about you?" Sed ganymede as he was olso being humbled bye the moons of nepune

"Nothing much gust looking after the moons really glad the moone revolution is over it was something els and I didn't really whant the moons to get hurt" As triton seas that the moons we're all so happy and all jumping all over triton before ganymede sed that they should stop before the train starts as they all start going in a line

triten had nothing to do but think about ganymede ' what am I thinking' sed triten in his mind before snapping aute of it as some of the moons started asking triton to play with them

"Come on titennnn please play with usssssss" galatea asked "You newer play with uss please this once" sed sao "yeah!" Sed all the moons bagging fore triton to join them

"C-come on triton just this once?" Sed ganymede as the moons started to bagging him more triten agreed to play with them as they begun playing triton was the head of them becus he was really fast

As they played the moose got tired of playing and wanted to rest they rested beside triten as they begun sleeping as that happend ganymede sat next to him " the moonse are so c-cute when they sleep!" See ganymede in a softer tone so the moons don't weak up

"Yeah they are..." Sed triton a bit flustered because ganymede was sitting next to him

"You ok? You sem a bit red?" Sed ganymede a bit wored if somethings wrong

'Oh uh yeah I'm gust a a bit tierd" sed triton as he yawnd

"Oh me to! This was fun wasn't it?" As ganymede olso sighed of releaf and yawnd to

As they started talking about what happened after what happened after the last time they saw each other one started to talking fore some minits until he felt a hed rest on his shoulder triten seas ganymede on his shoulder sleeping as triton seas that he kisses Ganymedes forhead and seas good night to him.

Ok guyes i might not post as much because of school and stuff but I will still post olso sorry this was a bit short.464 words!

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