sun x mercury fluff

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Mercury was on his sofa and watching some videos on his phone until sun came in the living room where mercury was becus sun and mercury we're roommates and shears a apartment together

"HI mercury!" Sed the sun in a happy tone and sat next to the rocky plenit "hay sun what's up?" Sed mercury in a calm tone "oh nothing im gust really bored and wanted to see if you wanted to play a game with me???" Sed the sun as he loved playing games and having fun with his friends" uh sure whay not" Sed mercury as they got up from the sofa and walked to see what to play that the earth gave them to intertain each other "what games do we have?" Sed mercury as he wanted to see what games they had but couldn't see because he was to small to reach the top shelf "well we have some game called uno! Whana play that?"sed the sun exaited to play the game with the rocky plenit "sure but we first got to read how to play it" sed mercury as he was olso exited to play the game and eat some snacks whale doing it as they go sit in the dinning room mercury was setting up the game as the sun was getting some snacks and a drink if they get thirsty as the sun came back mercury already set up the game and was writing fore him "sorry fore the weit, so how do I play the game?"sed the sun as he was confused on what to do " I'll explain while playing it, so you grab fore cardes and you have to pure he same cooler or number as the card in the middle or if you have a plus fore card or change the colors u can house that as well if you don't have anything you have to pick up more card from the piel" ( I'm sorry but I gata 🤓☝ this you?) As the rocky planit sed that the sun looked at his card and pleased one down as they played fore some time it got late and they eaten all of the snacks the sun has brought "so what do we do now? Whana maby wach some tv?" Asked mercury as they we're getting up and gathering the cards and cleaning up as the sun helped he sed yes as he liked the TV a bit to much "so what are we going to wach?" Asked mercury " Oh I whana wach more of those animal show!!" Sed the sun existed to wach " alright but it is getting late so we gata go to bed sone" se mercury in a mom ish whey as he gave the card pack to sun to reater on the shelf "Alright the I'll get some more snacks and put this away"sed the sun exited then ever as he ran to get every minute of the tv show as he came back with one bag of chips he saw the two show was already on and plopet on the sofa beside mercury as he did that he was cower with a blanket that mercury had as that wached mercury was getting a bit tiered and was about to fall asleep the sun how ewer was invested in the show and was also getting a tincy bit tiered as he was watching he saw mercury has fallen asleep and has leand on him as he saw that he looked at the time it was 11 and pretty late and was tired him self to so he turned off the tv and snugeld up with mercury as he did that the rocky planit hugged him as the rocky planit was a cuddle person and liked being with someone as that happened mercury sed good night as he was still a bit awake the sun kissed his forehead and sed good night to his little rocky plenit.

Alright!I like this one but I'm so so so soooooo sorry for not posting anything last and this week I had a lot of things to do and a lot more thing popped up so please do not be angry with me but I wish you all well and I'll see you in the next chapter buh byeeee!
722 words

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