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//testing station//

A beam of light is casted through the air outside the window of the abandoned testing station as the five friends wait in anticipation for the familiar black stick figure to appear.

The next second, The Chosen One bursts the metal door open with his foot, a worried and tense expression in place. His left hand is held above his shoulder in the air, holding up what seems to be a magical shield above his head like a large umbrella, shielding him from the dark fog.

Second and the others grin. "Chosen!"

The older boy's eyes soften as he lets out a sigh of relief, walking into the rusty concrete station and swiping away his powerful shield. He then shuts the metal door behind him, turning to the younger group. "Are you lot alright?"

They all nod, Red speaking up. "Yeah, but something escaped Alan's pc!"

"You mean the thing that made the sky go koo-koo and has now smogged the air? Yeah, what the hell is going on?", his eyebrows furrow as a look of stress forms on his face.

Yellow pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose with a finger. "By what we suspect, a virus. It infected the pc-"

"Big tentacle thingys!!" Red jumps in the air with exaggeration.

"Thing's a bitch" Green crosses his arms, reminded of being thrown around by multiple tentacles...reminded him of Bob... He shudders at the thought of Bob.

"It's infected the air here, cutting off all internet except for any underground networks" Blue stands by Yellow's side.

"And now we're trapped in here with no way back to Alan's pc" Yellow continues.

"And we were going to come to you and Dark and Vic for help" Second finishes.

Chosen just stands there, trying to process everything the teenagers are spitting at him. His right eye twitches slightly while thinking about something, his expression sharp but blank. "Im sorry did you say virus?"

"...yeah..." Yellow responds in a quiet voice, everyone looking at Chosen nervously.

Chosen stares at the window, more specifically the ultramarine fog outside. His eyes tense and his eyebrows furrow. Not many like viruses, but The Chosen One especially hates them, not only for being identified as one himself when he was created, but also his experiences with fighting a certain virus...made by a certain someone...

"C-Chosen, you alright?"

Chosen snaps out of his deep contemplation by the sound of his younger figure's voice. He looks at Second. "Yeah, right, im fine. Not fucking again..." He sighs with annoyance, putting his hand over his face, before looking back at the others. "Look, we're gonna get back to Dark and mines house" He turns around, opening the door once again while muttering under his breath seriously. "I need a word with Dark..."

The five nod acceptingly and follow Chosen to the door. One by one they step outside, taking shelter from the ultramarine particles by standing underneath Chosen's shield of light, crafted by his undying powers, something he's learnt to summon recently. Blue reaches for Yellow's hand, intertwining it with the other's. Yellow looks over at Blue and shares a soft, loving gaze with him, a faint blush on both of the boy's cheeks.

Green raises an eyebrow at the two mockingly as usual.

"Jealous?" Yellow raises an eyebrow back cockily.

"No, no im not jealous. Nope." Green crosses his arms, looking away with a facade of confidence.

"Jealous you cant have this with Purpl-"

"Look, im really fucking worried right now because i have no clue where he could be or if he's okay or not because i can't even text him with this stupid lack of WIFI." Green retorts sharply, stress and worry in his frustrated voice.

Yellow shuts up, knowing that now isn't the time to play around anymore. His expression furrows slightly with the same concern and seriousness for Purple.

Chosen glances over at the group curiously, still walking with them as he holds the shield above them all.

"Hey, maybe we can go look for him soon" Second suggests with optimism.

"With this virus thing flooding the air you really think it'd be safe to go looking for someone across the city?" Red points out, looking as distressed as Green.

"Red has a point"

Everyone turns their attention to the deeper voice of the adult. Chosen keeps his head forward as always, walking with determination. "It wouldn't be safe walking into an area you guys don't even know of that well, not mentioning the current unknown threat that's somehow leaked into the Outernet."

"Well do you have any suggestions on what we should do" Green retorts.

Chosen sighs. "Let's just get back to the house first-"

"And how long is that gonna take!?"

Blue puts a hand on Green's shoulder, a concerned look in his eyes. Green gets the message and takes a deep breath and looks to the side, calming himself. Chosen remains silent with his head forward, his expression hard to read. The stick figures walk in silence, taking breaths in the now cold air, looking around at the dark, glitchy, particle like fog that surrounds them. There's uneasy tension coming from The Chosen One, now a look of slight anger in his eyes as he walks.

//Alan's study//

Alan doesnt realise until his wife calls for him again that he's been standing there staring at his computer for six whole minutes.

What is going on? Where are my stick figures? What does it mean by "they've been eradicated"!? Who was that talking to me!? Why did they call me "creator"!? Why isn't my computer turning on!?

Alan's fist clenches and his pupils quiver as he contemplates.

"Alan?" His wife walks into the room, her eyes soft with concern at her still husband. "Is everything alright?"

"I dunno Kay..." He mutters with dread.

Kaori Becker sighs quietly and steps over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. Her eyes peer over to the blank screen of Alan's pc, the direction of where Alan is staring. "Well, if you want to tell me whats wrong you can." Her voice is soft. "Im always here for you" She leans her head on her husbands shoulder comfortably and gently.

Alan glances over at Kaori as a soft smile forms on his face. He leans over slightly and plants a light kiss on his wife's forehead.

"You still need to take the laundry out" Kaori adds lightheartedly, smiling.

"Yes, yes, i haven't forgotten" Alan smiles with fondness and amusement. 


Hey there! Just so you know I aim to write 1000 words every chapter, so that will relatively be the length of each chapter unless I write more in that moment. 

Have a nice night or day <3

Outernet.exe: VirusWhere stories live. Discover now