#28 ᴍᴀʀʀɪᴀɢᴇ

251 13 23

3 months later

Jay and Jungwon were still happily together, but there was one problem.

They still couldn't meet during the day, which was really hard for Jungwon. He had to wait for the night to come before they could see each other. Waiting felt like forever, and it was frustrating.

Even though they became very close, they couldn't see each other often, and they had to keep their relationship a secret from the world. Jungwon found it tough, always waiting for the night to meet Jay. The fact that they had to hide their love added more difficulty.

In a few weeks, Jungwon would finish high school. But instead of feeling happy about it, he was scared. He was afraid of what his parents wanted for his future.

⛧°。 ⋆༺🦇༻⋆。 °⛧
Jungwon |

I was at home one day when suddenly my parents called me downstairs. Walking down, I couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety.

When I reached the living room, I found my parents sitting on the sofa, pointing next to them, signaling for me to sit down.

My mom spoke first, her tone serious but calm. "Jungwon, your father and I have been planning something for a few months now."

I sat there, my mind racing with questions.

Dad chimed in, "We've been thinking about your future. We want what's best for you, and we've made some decisions."

I nodded nervously, bracing myself for whatever was coming.

My dad continued, "We believe it's time for you to get married. We've found a girl, and we think this is the right step for your future."

Shock and anger surged through me. "Married? But I'm not ready for that! And... and I'm still young!" I blurted out, my voice trembling.

My mom sighed, "Jungwon, we understand you might be surprised, but we've thought this through. This marriage is in your best interest, and we expect you to comply."

"I don't even know her! You can't force me into this."

My dad's tone turned stern, "We're just trying our best for you."

I couldn't hold back my frustration. "You don't understand! I won't do it. I won't marry someone I don't love."

My dad's patience seemed to wear thin. "Jungwon, listen. This decision is made. You don't have a choice. You'll meet the girl next week, and we expect you to cooperate."

Anger flared within me. "I won't! I won't let you control my life like this!"

I stormed upstairs to my room, slamming the door shut. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't believe my parents were planning to force me into a marriage! It felt like a bad joke, but the seriousness in their faces told me otherwise.

Sitting on my bed, a whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind. How could they expect me to marry someone I don't even know, let alone love?

And what about Jay? How was I supposed to tell him? He'd be hurt, and I couldn't bear the thought of hurting him. We had something special, and now it felt like everything was falling apart.

I knew my parents well enough to understand that if they had something in mind, they wouldn't back down easily. I felt trapped. It seemed like I had no choice but to comply with their plans.

Today was Sunoo's birthday, so Jay and I couldn't go out together anyway.

The next day, though, we planned to meet. However, the news about my parents wanting me to marry someone I didn't know was stuck in my mind. I chose not to tell Jay about it, not wanting to make our time together heavy with problems.

⛧°。 ⋆༺🦇༻⋆。 °⛧
When we met, he noticed something was wrong. "Is everything okay? You seem.. off today," Jay asked, looking worried.

I hesitated but said, "Yeah, everything's fine," forcing a smile to reassure him.

Jay wasn't completely convinced, but he respected my answer. We spent the night together, trying to forget about the worries for a while.

Even with him there, my thoughts were all over the place. I felt torn between my love for him and the pressure from my parents. How could I handle this without hurting him?

As we said goodbye, he held my hand and said, "Jungwon, if something's bothering you, I'm always here for you. You can tell me anything."

I thanked Jay for being understanding, but I couldn't bring myself to share the truth about my parents' plans.

⛧°。 ⋆༺🦇༻⋆。 °⛧
A whole week went by, but I still hadn't told Jay about my parents wanting me to marry someone. Today was the day I'd meet this girl they picked for me.

I helped my mom set the table for dinner because we were going to eat with the other family and the girl.

I even had to wear a suit, which felt super uncomfortable. I had a bad feeling about the whole thing.

When the doorbell rang, signaling that the family had arrived, we all gathered at the table.

That's when I saw her - the girl with long brown hair wearing a really bright pink dress. She smiled a lot, but I couldn't bring myself to smile back.

The whole dinner felt weird and like a big act that I didn't want to be a part of.

Sitting there, I couldn't shake off this feeling that my life was slipping away from me. I wondered how I ended up in this situation, caught between what my parents wanted and what I really wanted.

My parents then started the introductions. "Jungwon, this is Wonyoung," my mom gestured towards the girl.

I found myself frozen, just looking at her. It was like the ability to speak had temporarily abandoned me. The awkward silence hung in the air, making the whole situation even more uncomfortable.

Wonyoung, sensing the tension, said, "He's probably just shy. It's okay, Jungwon." Her smile remained, but I couldn't bring myself to reciprocate. Why was she acting like everything was okay? She must have felt forced into this situation, too, right?

I finally managed to mumble a greeting, "Hi," but my voice sounded strange even to me.

Wonyoung continued trying to engage in small talk, asking about my interests and hobbies. However, my responses were curt, and I couldn't bring myself to share any information.

As we finished eating, our parents suggested that Wonyoung and I should go up to my room to talk and get to know each other better. I didn't like the idea, but arguing seemed futile. Reluctantly, we headed upstairs.

Once the door closed behind us, Wonyoung's friendly smile vanished, replaced by a sly smirk. I couldn't help but feel a shiver down my spine.

"Why are you doing all of this?" I asked. "Why didn't you tell your parents you don't want this either?"

Wonyoung chuckled, "Why bother? I find you pretty cute myself, so I'll just keep you."

"I won't fucking marry you."

Leaning in with a smirk, she said, "Oh, Jungwon, you better do. Otherwise, things might turn out bad for you."

"Oh, is that so?"

"I know all about your little sweet boyfriend. If you don't cooperate, I might just have to tell your parents."

My eyes widened, a mix of shock and anger flooding over me. "How do you..?"

Wonyoung tilted her head mockingly, "Let's just say, I'm good at finding things out. Play by my rules, and maybe your secret stays safe."

"Your rules?"

"Yes, Jungwon. Break up with your boyfriend, and we're all good."


The drama hasn't finished yet, I'm sorry 🥰

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