part 8

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Two weeks later:

She still hasn't heard from her father which quite surprised her, she didn't work at the shop these two weeks at all and it wasn't because she was tired or she didn't feel well, she just wanted to avoid the judgmental looks and she was afraid that someone is going to say something to her , she didn't leave the house at all this whole time, It was a difficult time for Sarah.
It was hard for John B to see her like this, so insecure and helpless,
he wanted to take her today to their special place on the beach, they both need a break from everything and take a moment for themselves together just them.

He had just finished his shift and returned home ,just wanted to hug his wife as soon as possible,
He entered their room saw Sarah reading a book in their bed not noticing he was here until he jumped on their bed and hugged her tightly "You scared me" she laughed as he left a trail of kisses along her neck until he kissed her on the lips, "I had a rough day" He admitted "Oh why is that?" She asked him stroking his hair "Because I missed you" He put his hand on her stomach and caressed her, "I missed you too" Sarah kissed him softly.

"Hey Sarah" he said placing his head on her stomach "yeah?" she whispered closing her eyes and stroking his hair "do you want to go see the sunset today just the two of us?" He looks at her "Um I don't know" she didn't want to go anywhere she wanted to stay at home in her safe place, "Baby you haven't left the house for two weeks, and it will be fun just us at the beach we haven't done it for a long time" he tries to convince her but she was so afraid
"But if someone is going to says something or looks at me strange" she looked down "then they will say, we don't care what they think, it's our life not theirs, they can say and talk as much as they want, it's not going to interfere with us living our lives" There was silence between them, she didn't know what to say
Too many thoughts and worries went through her mind, "Please baby just try and if you feel uncomfortable we'll go home okay? I promise" he said managed to convince her and she nodded "Okay" she sighed and he kissed her.

Sarah wore a yellow summer dress that allowed her belly to be very prominent and it was also much more comfortable for her to wear a dress because her belly is getting bigger every day and John B was wearing his usual, he planned to take her to her favorite beach and watch the sunset just the two of them, they both needed to take this moment for themselves and take comfort in each other's company.

"Do you want to  walk there or drive?" He asked her making her laugh "What's so funny?" He smiled at her
"Oh shit you serious, do you really think I'll go all the way there? When I go to the living room I get tired" they both laughed,
"Come on, let's go" he kissed her quickly and they entered Twinkie...

They arrived to the beach and John b spread a blanket on the sand, she sat down between his legs and leaned on his chest, he put his hand on her stomach and caressed her in circles, just relax and watch the amazing sunset,
They missed these moments so much.

"I have a question for you" she told him "shot"
"So do you think it's a boy or a girl" she asked him smiling ״a boy for sure" he answered her "really?" She said surprised "yes what do you think it is?" He asked, kissing her head, "A girl definitely a girl ," she told him, "No, it's a 100% a boy ."
She put her hands on her stomach and sighed with relief "I really missed this" she told him "me too baby" he kissed her cheek and she smiled "I missed your smile" she blushed at his words "Aww you're blushing" he teased "shut up"
She kissed him, he moved her hair behind her ear but suddenly Sarah pulled away and stopped "Are you okay?" he asked worried "just um ahhh" she gasped holding her stomach "what wrong?" She lifted her head and said "I think the baby just kicked" she smiled "Really?" She nodded still smiling, she took his hand and put it on her stomach and their baby kicked again, he looked at her and smiled, Sarah started to tear up from excitement, she pounced on him and he laughed as he lay down on the blanket deepened the kiss "I love you so much" she said looked into his eyes "I love you more" he told her.

"Are you coming to the water?" he asked her, and her eyes widened as soon as she heard what he said "You're kidding right?"She giggled "No, come on" he got up and held out his hands to Sarah to help her up "No way, it's April the water must be frozen" She tried to dodge "I'm not asking you" he picked her up and she let out a little squeal "no no no John B I'm pregnant did you forget? Put me down." John B surrendered, put her down and raised his hands. "Slowly, okay Promise" he said and managed to convince her "fine" she rolled her eyes ,He hugged her from behind and put his hands on her stomach felt their baby kicking and moving and slowly they got closer to the water, "the baby doesn't stop moving " he said "tell me about it"
She added,
"Oh my God it's coldd" she said when her feet touched the water and he laughed "is that funny you?", "A little" he answered her still laughing and Sarah splashed water on him " you're starting a war you know that" he said and picked her up again Goes deeper into the water "No no put me down!" She shouted a little and he did what she said but she forgot that the water is deeper and she got all wet "You're dead" she pushed him into the water and laughed ,he splashed water on her ,
he put his hands around her waist and pulled her to him and he kissed her, she put her hands around his neck "Thank you for today " she told him "always my love", "now let's go out because I'm freezing" she kissed him one more time quickly and they got out of the water.

Two days later:
Sarah worked in the shop today after two weeks that she didn't go, that day they were at the beach really helped her she was no longer afraid of what people would say thanks to John B, but she is still a little stressed by her father's reaction but she knows that no matter what happens it will be fine.

Sarah worked half a day because she was tired so she came back earlier and John B stayed until closing.

John B returned home, entered their room, saw Sarah sleeping, he entered the bed stroking her hair and she slowly opened her eyes "Hey, when did you come back?" She said in a sleepy voice and he wrapped his arms around her "Just now, did I wake you up?" he asked kissing her head "No, the baby didn't stop kicking me" she told him,
"Can you get me an ice cream? I'm really hungry " she looked at him "yes I'll go get you"
He said he left the room and went to the kitchen to get her ice cream from the freezer,

"Is that your new craving ?" He asked her as he entered their room with a box of ice cream and she nodded.
"Thank you" she kissed him quickly and opened the box and started to eat,
Her phone rang, she took it from the nightstand
And her face fell as she saw who was calling her, "Who is it?" he asked,
" it's my dad".

This is part 8
Hope you like it 💗💗

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