Chapter 10: The Morgan The Merrier

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Thunder crashed and lightning flashed as the Inkling boy sprinted towards the condo in the cold rain, his orange rain poncho slipping slightly. His hands fumbled for the front door's keys, and he dropped them. Grumbling, he carefully picked them up off of the wet welcome mat and unlocked the front door with his right hand. The boy darted in, quietly closing the creaky front door. He threw off his wet rain poncho and made for the stairs to his room. He was just a couple of steps up when-

"Derek." The boy froze at the sound of his name and turned around to face his older brother Kevin and his orange Buzz-Cut styled tentacles (or lack thereof considering the hairstyle).

"Kevin," 13-year-old Derek Cephan Jr. said with a gulp. He stepped off of the stairs, trembling slightly. "I, uh, thought you would've been asleep by now."

"You're late," Kevin said in an upset tone, arms crossed. He took a few steps towards his younger brother.

"I was out practicing, just like you wanted me to, and I lost track of time-"

"That's no excuse." Kevin narrowed his tan-colored eyes. "You were to be back two hours ago."

"I'm sorry, I won't be late next time." There was clear fear in Derek's green eyes.

"Make sure you're not," Kevin snapped. "Have you mastered your swim form yet?"

"N-no, but I'm sure I'll have it after I turn 14," Derek said nervously. Kevin shook his head in dismay.

"That's no excuse!" he exclaimed. "I need you to have it mastered now."

"I'm only 13, I wouldn't be allowed in Turf Wars anyways-"

"That doesn't matter!" Kevin yelled. Derek recoiled back a bit. "I can't be a top Ranked Battle player without teammates!"

"Look, what's wrong with just waiting another year-"

"I refuse to wait longer to achieve my life goal," Kevin said in an aggressive tone, his eyes lighting on fire. "That man we called 'Dad' for years has prevented me from fulfilling my destiny, and I will not let you - you who shares his name - to stand in my way." He walked up to Derek, tugging on the boy's long tentacles roughly before turning away. "And we're cutting your hair. It looks stupid when it's long." Derek grabbed his hurting tentacles, seething after his brother who was now a few feet away from him.

"You only treat me this way because you see me as Dad!" Derek blurted out angrily, turning to head upstairs to his room. Kevin whipped around with an enraged expression, his hair glowing. It's unclear what happened next. Kevin would claim it was a horrible accident caused by a misunderstanding. Derek would never speak of the event when asked about it. But residents who lived in the neighboring condos would later report hearing a scream, but the rain prevented them from investigating further. Windows in the neighboring condos lit up briefly before going dark again. And within Kevin's condo, Derek lay in the fetal position on the stairs near the top of the staircase, gripping his right forearm with agonized breathing. Kevin's shadow loomed over him, and the older Inkling's hair stopped glowing.

"You're right. I do treat you this way because you're just like him. Go to your room, and don't you ever talk back to me again." Kevin started back down the stairs. Derek crawled up the remaining stairs like a wounded animal.

"My arm," he said a voice strained with agony. "It won't stop hurting."

"Deal with it," Kevin snapped, reaching the bottom of the stairs.

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