Rihannas pov

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It took a lot of convincing and begging to get Mellisa to come around and she eventually caved. Only God knows how much I've missed her, our friendship,  being home, my grandparents, my life here and Barbados in general. The more I'm here the less and less l want to go back to America to be honest. I do however miss kehlani and my little brother Jarad so there's that "watchu thinkin so hard bout Robin?" MEL asked passing me the blunt "everyting "l reply and puffed the smoke put into the air "yuh tinkin bout she?" Mel smirk and l just blushed. We were in her house in the basement "dats mi song" she got up from the coach and started swaying her hips from side to side and l just laughed at her. I really missed moments like these with her and l wouldn't give them up for nothing. I turned the volume up and then grabbed her waist from the back and grind into her. We were really into it, laughing and singing along to the songs "eww get a room" Michael  Mel's brother suddenly interrupted "shut it!!" We both said and then laughed at him. We later met with the crew, went to a few trap houses to check on business. I had to sort some shirt out with supplies, cut a few people off because they were stealing from me and l mean cut their air supply. I don't play about my money and drugs, once satisfied with everything we left for the clubs. I had one of the wildest night in a long while and had a stripper or 2 dance on me but l didn't go further "never taught I'd see deh day Robin turns down some pussy" Jay mocked as the others laughed "fuck off" l retorted. All in all it was a fun night and l knew then that I'd have to make some tough decisions soon rather than later...

Kehlanis pov

Rihanna has been in Barbados for 2 weeks now and l miss the hell out of her. I'm also so worried about her since school has reopened and she already missed out on a lot, not that she cares. I also feel like she doesn't want to Come back and really what's keeping  her there. As far as l know she's fixed whatever quarells she had with her friends and family "Penny for your thoughts Lani?" Ed suddenly brings me back to reality "urg it's nothing " l reply "well it's something because you keep spacing out" he urged. I don't even know what came over me but suddenly l was in tears "l think she's going to leave me and stay there" my voice Cracked. We were in Eds car heading home after a hectic day at school "not to be insensitive but maybe that's for the best" he said "she's not good for you Lani" he continued "Eddie You don't know her like l do" l replied "she's the best thing that's ever happened to me" l sobbed "OK ok calm down" he coed and held my hand.

That night l received a call from her just when l was about to sleep "mi miss yuh gurl" she said in that accent of hers not knowing what it's doing to my body "then please come back" l begged. And there was silence "yuh luv mi Lani?" She asked "of course l do" l almost yelled "den come 'ere, les get married and be togedah fuh life" she said and l was shocked "you know l can't, what about school, my family, friends..l l just can't uproot my life Robyn l.." she cut in "is OK l understan" she sounded disappointed "you not coming back are you?" My voice Cracked "l ..l.." she stuttered "so you breaking up with me?" I asked feeling my heart drop to my stomach. Then l felt a sting on my face and started getting sick "ke_kehlani- Lani are yuh listenin tuh meh?" She yelled at the other end. I dropped the call and went to the bathroom and vomited 🤮 all the food l ate that day and then started sobbing 😭. I felt like l was dying, everything was just too much for me to handle "Ow my goodness Lani are you ok" Mani suddenly pulled me up from the floor, when did she get here. I  wiped my eyes "I'm fine" l tried to smile "No you are not, you look a mess, you've been mopping around for the past week or so, you don't even eat right, your eyes are puffy..." and she went on and on and l bussed into tears. She held me in her arms "you don't have to be strong all the time you know" she coed brushing my back as l balled my eyes out. I don't even know how long we stayed like that with me holding onto her for dear life "OMG you are burning up" she said assessing me and put her hand on my forehead. I tried to brush it off and tell her I'll be fine but she stuffed medicine into my throat and forced me to sleep in her room. I didn't protest because l too didn't want to be alone "pls tell me what's wrong" she asked for the millionth time "I'm fine" l weakly said while getting under her covers. She gave me a sad look and l almost caved but luckily her baby cried and she had to attend to her and l finally closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.


l think l messed up and l think kehlani  misunderstood me, l wasn't breaking up with her "yuh an idiot" Mel smacked the back of my head "ouch" l yelled and she just rolled her eyes. She was currently helping me pack my shit as I am rushing to the airport "yuh could ave told she bout deh distance ting in person yuh kno" she scolded "l kno.. l kno" l huffed and shook my head. My heart was restless "l can nut lose she" my voice Cracked "l kno" she said "but slow down" she put her hand on my knee, l was driving like a maniac. I kept trying to call kehlani but her phone rang unanswered and l was getting really worried....


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