Arlecchino (Genshin Impact)

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Bad Blood
(Arlecchino X Y/n)
[Enemies to Lovers][Dom2Sub Arlecchino][Dom Reader][Male Reader][Flirty Reader][Annoyed Arlecchino][Reluctant at first][Forced to work together][Enemy of my Enemy][OOC Arlecchino]

(Arlecchino technically isn't playable yet, so I'm just going to give her Cryo as her element despite the vision showing her use fire. I just think ice works better. And please remember her character is changed a little to be able to have this whole story for. I Doubt the real Arlecchino would be like this.)

"Arlecchino, we have news from the West Bank." One of the many Fatui knights bowed down on one knee to speak to the white haired Demoness, their body and quivering voice conveyed a man filled with fear. "Our rear line is not being attacked by the Traveller or her forces—it seems as though a third party is after the Layline Key."

Arlecchino's eyes stared off to the distance like some sort of twisted animal staring down its prey, but her eyes were locked on the distant land of Fontain, where only the outlines of the tallest buildings could be seen from where she stood—a village now turned into a frozen wasteland.

Giant ice pillars uprooted from the ground had turned the village into a graveyard of what once was, a poor obstacle which just so happened to be in the way of Arlecchino's rage.

The woman sighed and adjusted her overcoat, before eventually turning to the Fatui knight with her usual cold and demanding look. "It is most likely the Tau Rebels, they're no real threat to us, forget about them." She waved off this potential threat entirely, she did not care whatsoever.

The Fatui Knight was somewhat confused and shocked by this level of ignorance towards a possible threat, especially considering this threat has ruined their plans time and time again. However, he'd keep all this to himself. Speaking against the commands of The Knave was like writing your own Death Penalty.

"Y-Yes, Commander." He stood up from his kneeling position and turned to leave, but was momentarily distracted and ended up standing still. His mind began wandering.

Arlecchino picked up on this. "What is it, Knight? Do you have something to say about the situation?" The woman crossed her arms and stared at the Knight's back. She didn't actually mind getting someone else's thoughts on the matter, she just never bothered to utilize it.

"The Tau Rebels are attacking our rear line, but we've noted that a few of the Traveler's companions are in the area." The Knight Explained. "We believe The Thunder Dragon is to be there if all sources are correct—Y/n is there." He finally explained to the woman.

This caused the woman to momentarily pause and look back at the destroyed village, her eyes locking onto the wooden debris and all the damage she alone caused.

An opportunity like this was massive, The Thunder God Dragon was a neutral player in this game of politics. They only served the Knights of Favonius because of a debt he needed to pay back to some of them.

This was a perfect chance to go out there and try to sway the mind of Y/n to the aid of the Fatui Harbingers, but it would also be suicide to try and navigate the war torn battlefield between the Tau and Fatui regimates.

Arlecchino crossed her arms and nodded to the man's words. "Very well, your scouting team has done good work, you're free to leave me." She waved them off.

The Knight quickly bowed and left with his life still intact. He was just happy to still be walking after suggesting a different approach to the Knave herself.

"It would seem I have no other choice." The woman sighed and adjusted her coat ever so slightly back onto her shoulders. "An opportunity like this won't always be around for me to work with. This kind of political power would surely sway things, considering Y/n is the most accomplished person in Mondstadt next to the Traveler herself."

Genshin/HSR X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now