Himeko (HSR)

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Sweet Dreams
(Himeko X Y/n)

[Friends to Lovers][Sweet][Drunk Listener][Past Trauma][Fight scene][Loving][I can treat you better][Sub Reader][Sort of Dom Himeko][Loving Sex][L Bombs][Aftercare]

"M-Miss Himeko? I think we've ran into a small problem just now." March entered the main Astral Lounge area with a worried expression and her hands clasped together. Her eyes lingered around, as if avoiding Himeko's gaze.

"Hm?" The red haired beauty turned to March with a confused look on her face. She stepped forward and put on a smile. "What seems to be the problem, March? I didn't get any sort of alerts or warnings." She questioned.

"Yeah, about that." March sighed. "I think Y/n got drunk or something and decided to go space jumping when everyone was asleep." For something as important and life threatening like that, she seemed relatively calm when saying this. "I just checked his room and there were bottles of alcohol and he's nowhere to be seen."

Himeko's expression quickly changed from general curiosity and wonder to a look of dread and anxiety. "Oh..." Was the only word she could muster up and actually voice out, her mind going all over the place to try and narrow down the situation before trying to do anything ridiculous.

Just then, the loud sound of feet running could be heard. Both Himeko and March turned their attention to the sliding door and were surprised to see Stelle standing there with an out of breath voice.

"H-Himeko—I think Y/n went and ditched us!" She sounded quite angry as she held up a battered bottle of entity whiskey. "He's heading to the Romulus's Star again, that's what it probably means." She sighed.

"What makes you say that for certain? Didn't he fight so hard to leave that place?" March crossed her arms, having flashbacks to how much of an effort for Jingliu and Y/n both to get him out of there, to even make amends to Emperor Ghaul.

Stelle nodded. "He's having withdrawals from the Gladiatorial Arena. He talks about it in his sleep, so I'm guessing he just snapped and decided to go back and live that life again for a little while." She sighed and crossed her arms as well. "And with Jingliu gone halfway across the system, I doubt we'll get here in time to rescue him. A drunk Y/n going through a traumatic experience isn't good for anyone when he's got the power he does."

Himeko nodded. "I agree. With his kind of power and being under the influence of alcohol, he's the most dangerous man on that ship." She thought for a moment with her hands against her face, trying to come up with a plan. Suddenly, she slammed her hands together as an idea struck her.

"I'll go and retrieve our favorite Lightning friend." She declared.

This surprised both March and Stelle who went wide eyed at the suggestion.

"A-Are you sure, Miss Himeko? That ship is a pretty rough place, they'll try and eat you up like they did us." March warned the older woman with a hint of concern in their voice.

Himeko smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I think I'll be fine, after all, I've dealt with way worse on better days." She couldn't help but maintain her bright and cheerful aura around her. There wasn't much that could keep her down. "If I go alone, I can keep watch over myself and make sure nothing goes wrong. Besides, my element is capable of countering Y/n, so if he wants a fight, I can hold him down."

Stelle seemed to have a worried opinion on this as she stepped forward to try and convey her feelings towards the matter. "This is Y/n we're talking about, Himeko, the Mortal Man who was able to go toe to toe with the likes of Jingliu and Emperor Ghaul even before he became the vessel for that Dragon." She explained her thoughts. "I understand you're strong, but he's unreasonably strong—The guy literally has stories around him of killing Gods."

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