Fem! Zhongli (Genshin)

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Accident Waiting to Happen
(Fem! Zhongli X Y/n)
[Friends to Lovers]
[Misunderstanding][Funny][Dom Reader][Sub Zhongli][Fem! Zhongli][Male Reader][Reader disguised as a Hilichurl][Doggy Style][Oral][Aftercare][Firework Festival][Brief fighting scene]

(Note* The image for Female Zhongli goes hard so I'll base everything descriptive wise off that fanart.)

(Another important note* When it comes to Genshin, too many characters have that weird attribute where they're supposed to be super old but appear like a teenager? Yeah, we're not doing that. We're aging up every character to match more of the older characters while also changing their designs. For example, Lumine is supposed to "Appear" like she's fifteen but is like, really old, she doesn't. She'll look more like she's twenty six with a size bump. All characters this is done to will also get a design change. Absolutely no Lolis. I don't like the idea they're supposed to be older but look super young, it's just gross and I'm not going to write for that.)

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Lumine? I'm not usually against your ideas, even if I should be, but this is a little out there." Amber crossed her arms as she watched the blond traveler finish up the rest of the configurations on the new plan. "I feel like this is how people end up with broken bones." Amber sighed.

"Don't worry, Amber, I can't even technically break bones—So I'll be fine." Y/n sat there in his chair as Lumine continued to dress him up in the outfit of Hilichurl. "This plan is full proof!" He gave a wink and thumbs up.

Lumine just smiled and gently hit the man on the chest. "He'll be fine! He's physically the strongest of everyone on our team and was able to tank Lady Zhongli's Meteor, remember?" She didn't have a care in the world about this plan potentially going sideways.

Y/n has all the necessary clothing options to really fit in with the Hilichurls. He has an exposed upper body revealing his well defined and chiseled body. Bandages wrapped all over his arms and stomach to blend in with their darker skin color, and pants with some baggy areas on them. All he needed was the mask, which Lumine was working on.

"That's my concern. You're going to get Y/n seriously hurt." Amber walked right up to the taller man and cupped their face in her hands. "It's okay, Y/n, I'll protect you from Lumine's craziness." She gently patted them on the head.

"Hey! Stop acting lovey dovey with him!" Lumine snapped. "He's got work to do, and that work isn't named Amber." She scooted the Favonius archer away and stood right in front of the man. "Um..."

Y/n looked down at her. "What's wrong, Traveler?" He crossed his arms while looking down at her.

Lumine puffed her cheeks out like she was pouting and gestured downward. "Down." She ordered.

Y/n laughed a little and knelt down on one knee, lowering himself just enough to be just below the woman's chest. "That better?" He asked with a smile.

The young woman nodded and began fixing the man's hair to push it back enough for her to fit the mask on their face. "A little bit here...a little bit there." She grabbed the mask from the table and placed it on Y/n's head, using some straps to hold it in place.

"Dang, that's actually really good, Lumine." Amber crossed her arms and gave the outfit a good look. "If I didn't know it was Y/n underneath all that stuff, I would try to attack them." She laughed and gently rubbed the top of their fluffy mask.

"Why thank you!" Lumine laughed and bowed like she had done some sort of amazing stunt.

Y/n laughed as well and stood back up to his max height. "Okay, before I go run along to try and befriend some Hilichurlians, tell me the plan again." He crossed his arms and waited for the rundown.

Genshin/HSR X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now