Topaz (HSR)

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Billion Dollar Gamble
(Y/n X Topaz)

[Strangers to Lovers][Pouty Princess Topaz][Rugged Knight Reader][Aventurine is forced to tag along][Lore Building for Reader][The Princess Bride plot line][[Fight scenes][Deep story][Trauma healing][Aventurine and Topaz are falling for Reader][Kissing][M|W][M|M]

(*Note: I apologize ahead of time for any Jade fans who wanted a chapter someday, she won't be getting one. I absolutely despise her so she'll just be a villain for these stories, that's it. No romance with the ET looking bitch.)

"I'm going to be completely honest with you, Jade, this isn't a good idea." Aventurine was seen walking with a large group of IPC soldiers following after their purple haired mistress. He looked both concerned and annoyed regarding the entire situation as a whole, his eyes showing how tired he was. "Kingpin was killed by the Stellaron Hunters, we can't interfere with them."

Jade sighed. "I don't care who killed him, Kingpin was our eyes and ears to the city of Penacony. Without him, we risk losing our footing on the City's people." She was just as the rumors described her, ruthless and dangerous. She only saw the city of Penacony as a dollar bill.

Aventurine clenched his jaw. "It doesn't matter what we want, it's too risky to play these games with the Stellaron Hunters. They have SAM on their side, and we don't need to be playing a game with someone like that."

All of them entered a large open space in the middle of the IPC warship, just near the main command center of this massive vessel. The were welcomed to the sight of several powerful prison cells being loaded onto smaller cargo ships meant to carry off criminals to IPC controlled worlds for containment.

Aventurine was now even more confused. "Why are we in the prison hold? You do realize we didn't catch any of the Hunters when we arrived, right?"

"Not entirely true." Jade snapped her fingers and one of the cells was brought down from the elevated perch it was resting on. "You're right, we didn't catch any Stellaron Hunters lurking around. We did find a special someone though." She grinned as the windows were opened to reveal the prisoner.

"Shit...!" Aventurine cursed under his breath as the sight was thrown at him. This was the worst possible outcome of the death of Kingpin. He had hoped to avoid this.

"The Stormchaser of the Astral Express—Y/n." Jade stepped forward to stare at the man strapped to all sorts of restraints holding them down. She stared down at the much taller individual, her eyes picking them apart. "I never thought I'd see the day where one of the Black Fleet's prized Generals was locked up in my warship."

Y/n scoffed and smiled at the woman on the other side of the glass. "I commend your efforts to catch me, that's the best chase I've been a part of." He turned his attention to Aventurine and his smile turned to a frown. "Who's this loser?" He pretended to not know them.

This immediately threw off Aventurine, his eyes widening and a sense of relief washing over him. He fully expected Y/n to rat him out for being a traitor to the IPC. "I—"

Jade stepped in before anything could be said between them. She wanted answers. "Why is the Astral Express working with the Stellaron Hunters? I thought you two were mortal enemies." She began pacing around the room, circling around Y/n's cell. "Does it have to do with the homunculus aboard the Astral?"

This did cause Y/n to become a little more aggressive with his posture and movement when Stelle was brought up, going full on defensive. "That idiot has nothing to do with this whole situation—so you can forget about her."

This did peak Aventurine's interest. He knew Stelle was an important piece to all this, but wasn't sure how, maybe through Y/n he could find out what it was. He took a single step forward to speak:

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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