Chapter 13 - Professor Quirrell

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Chapter 13 - Professor Quirrell

After the attack at Samhain, Harry noticed how something had changed. He wasn't the only one to noticeeither. All the students had noticed and kept their distance in the beginning if they could and the teachers sentworried looks. Since Hermione was attacked Harry knew he had gotten protective and not just of her. Harrywas protective of all members of his group. The others had also gotten protective, so it wasn't just him. Theirgroup was closer, stronger. 

With the close call on Hermione, they all hit the books to learn more. They had asked Hogwarts to add on atraining room to their rooms to practice all they learned and they used the room for a minumum of a hour aday. The work showed in class. Hermione had nightmares and wouldn't calm until one of the group got to her so they started to sleep in the bedroom the room had. Harry still spent time with his Ravens and let hisSnakes play when they were feeling he needed a challenge but he spent most of his time with his group. 

Hermione was always with one of them, if not right beside them then in the same room. She was still afraidand they made her feel safe. To be honest, they always stayed in pairs now. Draco had started to makepotions and a potion room was added to their room. Fred and George were known to be found with him thereworking on new 'products'. Neville was also showing a great liking to potions after Harry started to tutor himso he would help Draco whenever given a chance. Harry spent a lot of time in the Library with Hermione or inthe training room practicing his combat, both hand to hand and knives. 

They had even been given a name by the student body because the way they acted. They had just entered thegreat hall the morning after Samhain when Harry heard it. It wasn't creative but it fit them; Pack. It was truethat they acted like one and wolves were Harry's favorite animals so he didn't mind. Pack. He hadn't been ablefight the grin that made its way onto his lips at that. He liked how it sounded, His Pack. When he told themembers of his pack they laughed, loving it too. The Twins joked about how they told Harry that they were theleader. They had taken to calling him their Alpha since then. Draco had said since he was his second incommand he was Beta. The others happily fell into idea of being a Pack. 

Most of the teachers found it amusing and Snape had mentioned that they even acted more like animals intheir behavior. Harry hadn't understood, not seeing the way they interacted different. Snape had to point outthat they had no trouble hanging onto or touching one another, most of the time without thinking; Hermioneholding onto someone's arm when walking or when she felt a strong emotion, The twins always swinging anarm over someone's shoulder, Draco brushed shoulders with whoever was closest when walking or sitting,Neville brushed or bumped shoulders with whoever was with him, and Harry always instigated the arm holdingwith Hermione when she was beside him or brushed shoulders to whoever stood by his side. Snape alsopointed out that they only did all these things with a member of the pack. They didn't care. 

The only real problem since the attack was that Dumbledore had started to keep a closer eye on all of the Packmembers. Harry didn't like it and he made sure that both his godparents knew it. They ran as muchinterference as they could to help. Harry also noticed that professor Quirrell had started to watch him more.Harry didn't know why but he didn't mind. The more the professor watched him the more Harry got to watchhim back.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.

Harry was in the school library with Hermione looking for a book. Hermione was in a corner hidden by shelvesreading with a pile of books already around her but Harry just couldn't find a book that he wanted to read. Heknew he still had a couple book to read in his bag as his aunt had just sent them to him this morning but hewanted to read something darker. He wanted to read something that the school would call dark. He knew theyear before there was a Dark Arts class but it was taken out of the school curriculum. He wanted to read oneof the books the school must have had for the class. He couldn't find anything and it was making him irritated. 

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