Chapter 16 - Back Again

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Chapter 16 – Back Again 

Harry gave a happy sigh. He was going back to Hogwarts. Back to a place his whole Pack was. The week he hadHermione all to himself was fun and it continued when the whole Pack was together at Draco's family SummerSolstice Gala. After he had said goodbye to Neville and Draco, he had taken Hermione and the twins back to hishome for a week. It was filled with reading, prank wars, trying and failing to teach the twins to cook, and justmoments of relaxation. Petunia had enjoyed the house filled with children and was reluctant in letting them leave. 

The next week was spent at the twin's home. That wasn't as fun. Harry and Hermione had gotten to meet thewhole family. They liked the oldest two brothers and only sister but Harry and Hermione could agree that the lasttwo could have just disappeared. Percy had been nagging at the pranks and jokes they were playing. Ron was anidiot, one minute acting like he was Harry's best friend and the next trying to show up the 'boy-who-lived'. Ginny,the youngest and only girl, was quiet and just watched what went on around her. Once in a while she would playwith the twins or divert Ron's attention when he was getting too much. Harry liked Mr. and Mrs. Weasley but thatwas a week he didn't want a repeat of. 

After that his birthday soon approached with gifts from all his Pack and a surprise party from his aunt and cousinwith his godparents in attendance. He then spent a week each with them. He debated, learned more magic, andbrewed with Severus. While with his godmother, Minerva told him stories of his parents at school and helped himwith any theory questions he had on magic. 

He boarded the train with a smile. He found Neville sitting alone reading the book on earth magic Hermione hadfound in Knockturn Alley for his birthday. He greeted the boy, engaging him in a conversation about his stay inItaly. Hermione and Draco soon joined. It wasn't until five minutes after the train had left the station that thetwins entered leading a first year between them.

"Alpha and Pack this is Luna Lovegood. She's our neighbour and friend. Luna this is our Alpha Harrison Evans,across from him is Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy and the girl holding onto Draco is Hermione Granger." Lunagave a large smile at each of them when the twins introduced.

She was cute with her wild blond hair, big blue eyes, bottle cork necklace, and radish earrings. What Harry didn'tthink was cute was the bruise forming on her left cheek. "Ms. Lovegood, may I inquire how you got that mark onyour cheek?" 

"Ron Weasley did it. I'm not sure why though. I think it might be the Heklors feeding on his positivity, leaving himwith only negative emotions. He should really eat carrots, Heklors don't like carrots." Her voice was light andsmooth with a dream like quality. Harry could only smile. She was too cute. 

Fred put his, his brother's and Luna's trunks away before sitting against Harry's legs. George sat Luna next toHarry before sitting next to her. "That's why we were late getting in here." Fred let his head fall back onto Harry'slegs. 

"We found our dear little brother harassing Luna." George put much sarcasm into the word 'dear'. 

"We intervened and it went from there." Fred finished. 

"Why was Ron bothering someone in the first place?" Hermione asked as she pulled out her wand and healedLuna's cheek. 

"People think I'm weird." Luna shrugged not showing if it bothered her or not in her body language. 

Harry could see it in her eyes. She was hurting. "That is not acceptable. Just because you might be different fromanother does not give them rights to harass or pick on you. Ron is nothing but a bully, what he thinks meansnothing." He paused to make sure she thought about his words. "You are more than welcome to come to one ofus if any one messes with you again." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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