Chapter 12 - Samhain

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Chapter 12 – Samhain

Harry laughed at the scene in front of him, trying to hold himself up but failing and falling into the giggling Hermione sitting on the arm of his chair. They were all in the Founder's common room relaxing before the Halloween feast. The twin had decided that they wanted to try out a new experiment and Draco was the perfect tester. The twins had come into the room with two jugs of butterbeer. They poured all the glasses and slipped the powder into Draco's drink. Now here they all are laughing at Draco who has golden feathered wings for arms and a big pelican beak.

"Turn me back!" Harry just laughed harder at Draco's voice coming out of the beak.

"Oh gods, it's too much, it's too much." Neville was on the floor holding his stomach in pain from laughing. Even the founders were all laughing, though the women were trying to hide behind their hands. Fred and George finally calmed down enough to give Draco the candy antidote. Draco started sending spell, after hex, after curse at the twins as punishment. Some hit, others didn't.

"Oh goddess, enough guys." Harry paused trying to get his breathing under control, "We need to get ready for the feast. Calm down and let's put our stuff away in the guest room."

The others slowly got themselves back to a calm level, chuckles and giggles only coming at odd intervals until it stopped all together. Harry put his things down on the bed he claimed as his and waited for the other to follow him out of the door. The way to the great hall was filled with jokes and teasing.

Harry entered the hall and paused. The hall was all dressed up with jack-o-lanterns glowing 20 feet above everyone's heads, mist curled around the floor like snakes, bats with red eyes flew in random patterns, and sweets were abundant on all the tables. Hermione latched onto both Harry and Draco laughing in excitement. Oh how they all loved Samhain. They even had a simple ritual planned for after the feast in their room.

Harry, with Hermione on his arm, led the way to the Gryffindor table to drop Hermione and the twins off. Draco slipped to the Slytherin table next to it with a nod to Harry and the others. Harry then walked with Neville to their own houses that sat back to back. They all chose to sit at their assigned houses to eat as they wouldn't be participating in the house rituals later. Harry was going to spend some time with his Ravens and then Snakes before Draco and he had to meet the others though.

The feast was loud and joyful. People joked and laughed in abundance. Harry watched the twins talk to Hermione and Draco interact with a dark skinned boy he remembered was named Blaine Zabini. A glance behind his showed that even Neville was relaxed with his housemates. He turned back to his own table. His Ravens were happy to pull their king into a conversation or two. In the middle of the meal the door slammed open. Professor Quirrell ran in white as a ghost and shaking like a leaf, screaming his lungs out. "Troll! Troll in the dungeon. Thought you ought to know." He fainted dead on the floor.

Harry did a quick look at all the houses to see if all his were accounted for. Hermione was missing. The students were screaming and panicking. Many started to get up. "Ravens freeze." All his Raven that were in hearing distance stopped causing the others near them to stop as all turned to him, looking for guidance. Harry sensed Neville stand behind him. "Neville stay with me. Hermione is missing." He turned to his Ravens ignoring Dumbledore speaking. "Ravens you are to go straight to the common room. The Snakes will be joining you. You will all stay in the common room and stay calm. I will be with you when everyone is accounted for."

He waited for a nod from many of the faces he could see before he and Neville waded through the bodies tgrabbing Fred and George as they went. They made it to the Snakes quick. "Listen up. Snakes you are to go to with the Ravens. They will take you up to their common room. You will stay there until you are told otherwise by Draco, Snape, or myself. I will be there when everyone is accounted for. Now go."

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