Chapter 11 - Magical Guardian

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Chapter 11 – Magical Guardian

After Harry found the room and introduced his group to the founders time moved quick. They learned that the room was the founder's common room. When the founders were alive they all had a door made in their bedrooms to lead to this room. When they died their bedrooms disappeared but the common room and the other rooms stayed. There were three doors. One door lead to the modernized bathroom, one to the founder's personal library and the last was a large dorm room (it was once the entrance to the founder's separate bed chambers as the founders told them) with beds for all of them.

Weeks passed with Harry spending time with both his godparents, writing letters to his aunt who was going to be opening her café on Christmas break and spending time with his friends. He hadn't gotten too far in his blood magic book but he had started in on the founder's library. Harry and Hermione spent most of their free time in that room reading everything they could get their hands on. The others spent many hours in the library too but not as much time as them. Harry was a natural with magic and it showed in and out of the classroom. Most of his teachers liked him and he was at the top of his classes. He was first, Hermione and Draco tied for second and with help, Neville was in third. The twins were in the top five of their own classes but they continued to play pranks and jokes. Harry felt happier than he had ever felt before. That gave him his first clue that something was about to go wrong. Harry just sat down to breakfast with his group at the Slytherin table. He kept looking to the windows for the owls. He wanted his aunt's letter.

"Harry, calm down. Your aunt's letter will get here with the rest of the letters. It won't get lost." Draco rolled his eyes at the boy next to him.

"What is in that letter that you want so badly?" Neville asked. They had never seen Harry this fidgety.

Harry sighed, turning back to the table. "The charges against my uncle finally went through. He was convicted by Muggle court and was sent to magical court and convicted. He was sentenced to minimum security in Azkaban for life. What I am waiting on is the verdict of where Dudley is going to live. Aunty wants him to live with her so she might be able to help him change but Vernon's sister is fighting for custody too. Aunty found out yesterday and if she won she will be picking up Dudley today."

"Do you want him to live with you and your aunt?" Hermione didn't like the idea but she knew that Harry had a different way of looking at things.

Harry took a long sip of his tea and drunk his potion before answering. "I don't know 'mione. Part of me wants a chance to get to know who my cousin could have been but a different part of me is afraid. I'm afraid that I will never be family to people who should be my family. I want to be accepted. I never hated him you know. It isn't entirely his fault how he has turned out so far. Uncle had the most sway with keeping aunty away from her own son most of the time and all."

The others stayed silent. Harry never admitted that he was afraid of something. He always seemed fearless to them. They also could understand his reasoning for wanting to get to know the cousin who used to hurt him. They ate to fill up the time. 15 minutes before breakfast was over owls flooded the room dropping letters. Hedwig swooped low to land beside Harry's plate. Harry took the letter as quickly and carefully as he could. He didn't want to hurt his girl.


I got custody of Dudley. I will be homeschooling him and have him help work in the café with me to keep him out of trouble. I am going to get him to understand that the way his father viewed the world was wrong and how both of them treated you wasn't right either. It will take time to undo the damage that man did to him. He will be a different person by the time you see this summer, he won't be adjusted by winter though.

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