Chapter 14 - Summer Starts

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Chapter 14 – Summer Starts 

Harry sighed as he walked into Hogsmeade. Hedwig went ahead before he left for the carriages and his thingswere shrunk in his pockets. Amara was wrapped around his neck sun bathing and Nightshade was sleeping inhis hoodie's hood. The village was calm with people walking around from shop to shop. He paused at the sightof Evans Café. 

Petunia had worked hard to set up the café. It was painted light green with golden vines going up the left sideof the door. A small iron gate set the boundary around the property. Four iron outdoor tables with chairs wereset up, two on each side of the door. Harry walked past all the people sitting at those tables. An older manopened the door to leave and held it open for Harry. Harry nodded his head in thanks. The inside, Harrydecided, was nice. The walls were painted green and gold accents. The floor was hard wood, light in color. Acounter stood on the back wall. It had a turning display of sweets like cake, candy, and pie. A door behind thecounter led to the kitchen, if Harry had to take a guess. Wood tables were scatter around, all being used atthat moment. There were booths in each corner also all full.

 Harry felt his Aunt moving around the back when he spotted Dudley setting down a sub order. Dudley woreblack dress pants with a gold shirt and a black half apron showing he was a waiter. Dudley looked up at theright moment to see Harry looking at him. He froze but quickly shook it off. He gave a friendly grin. "HeyHarrison. Welcome home." 

Harry paused, had his cousin changed that much? He released a little of his magic. "Hey Dudley. How've youbeen?"

Dudley waved him over. He made his way to Dudley who led him behind the counter and into the kitchen. "I'mgood. I wanted to apologize about how I acted growing up. It wasn't right. That was not how family was to actwith each other. I hope you will give me a chance to get to know you as a person and not as the freak thatneeded punishment my father always made you out to be. Please accept my apology even if you don't want totry to be family with me." 

Harry felt his magic pulse. Dudley was being truthful. He wanted a chance to be a family, a proper family, withHarry. Harry pulled his magic back in and gave his cousin a small shy smile. "I appreciate the apology andaccept it. I like the idea of us being a family." 

"Thank you Harrison. Mom's cooking back there. I need to get back to work." Dudley pointed to an opendoorway to the left. He gave one last grin to Harry before leaving. 

Harry smiled looking around the room. It had two large tables in the middle with lots of baked goods andhomemade candies. The walls had shelves full of decorating things like icing, sprinkles, loose candy, and allthe containers to help put them all on. He moved to the door way. His aunt wore a full apron with a simpleblue summer dress under it. She was humming and swaying as she made something on the stove. 

"Hey Aunty. Did you miss me?" Harry watched Petunia jump, spinning around. A happy smile grew on her faceas she turned the burner off.

 "Harrison!" She wrapped him in a hug. "My baby, of course I missed you."~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.

 "Harry, why don't you invite Miss Granger and those twins, Fred and George, over for a week? You said thatHermione didn't like the idea of being away from magic for a whole summer and that the twins had a largefamily with no place to made their products, so invite them over. We have more than enough room." Harryfollowed his aunt up the stair to the living quarters. He couldn't stop smiling. As much as he loved Hogwarts itdidn't have his aunt there. "It seemed that your family liked having room in their home. The whole upstairs islike a mansion. It has seven bedrooms, three full bathrooms, a sitting room, library, kitchen, dining room anda place for the four house elves. Magic never stops amazing me with what it can do. When i came to look atthis place I thought it would be a small apartment but no, I walk in to find a house bigger than anything i everthought we would live in."

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