Chapter 5 - Blood and Books

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Harry gave a sigh as Petunia pulled into the driveway. Home... that word left a sour taste in his mouth when thought with this hell. He couldn't wait to go to school and Petunia to get a job to get away from here. Harry pushed all those types of thoughts out of his head. Tomorrow Dudley would be home after (summer) school. He only had this afternoon to be productive.

"Aunty I'm going up to the guest room to sort all my things out and put them away. After that can I go to the park to read?" Harry was careful to not joust around his bag in fear of breaking something as he made his way into the house.

Petunia gave him the go ahead. He was up those stairs like he had hell hounds on his heels. He carefully took every shrunken package out of his bag and set it out on to the bed. The trunk was the last thing. He happily pulled out his new wand and just stopped to look at it. It was a creamy marbled brown with a black sheen coating. The handle was comfortable in his grip and perfectly balanced. It was his.

Harry had a large grin on his face when he finally stopped looking at his wand. He touched each shrunken package with it, enlarging them. He set his truck onto the ground before touching it too. He sorted out his clothing first, putting them all into the clothing compartment of his trunk. He happily used the password Amara in English. Harry them put the things he needed for potions away into the potion compartment; password becoming Nightshade. He put all his inks, parchments, and quills away neatly into the supplies compartment giving it the password Hedwig.

Harry smiled at the name of the owl his aunt insisted he needed, saying she wanted letters often while he was at school. Hedwig is a snowy owl, all white with sharp golden eyes. Harry gave her the instruction to stay out in the shed. His aunt was going to set the stand/cage out there so Vernon wouldn't find her.

He gave himself a mental shake; he needed to go through his books. He set the books he got that day out of the bag they gave him and set them down onto the bed. Harry then got on his knees and reached under the bed, pulling out the hidden bed frame under it. The mattress for the frame was gone and in its place was a homemade bookshelf. It looked just like the ones you could buy just...laying on the floor instead of sitting against a wall. His aunt made it for him when he started showing a love of books. It held all the books he has read/will read and won't get rid of after reading.

Harry started pulling out all his psychological books out. The two he got the day before were set aside to read later. The rest were put into the trunk on shelves he just slid side to side. The sociology books followed, then politics, again putting aside the new one, history, religions, anatomy and biology, and then his fiction section. Harry happily put his crime novels, mystery, fairy tales, and classical literary works onto a shelf in his trunk. When he was done he noticed he had one last book left. It was the plain black book. He turned back to his trunk to set the password, Dementor, before turning back to the book.

Harry picked it up. It was black leather with no indication of what was in it. He opened the first page to see a faded mark in the top right corner of the page. He ran his finger over it only to pull his hand away in shock and pain. Blood that dripped from his cut finger onto the page sat there a moment before being absorbed. Harry sat in shock with his finger in his mouth as letter slowly appeared on the page; 'Blood Magic – The Grey Art. Harry looked for an author. He flipped to the back cover to see two words, or in this case one name; Merlin, Emrys .

'Wasn't Merlin a practitioner of light magic?' was all Harry could think as he turned back to the title page. He looked at for one more minute before he made his decision. He got up and grabbed one more book from his new pile. He ran down stair, yelling he was off to the park.

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