Chapter 10- Find the Room to Find Yourself

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Chapter 10 – Find the Room to Find Yourself

Harry found the month passing quickly. People were now used to seeing the mixed group his friends were. He still had some trouble with a few people, but Draco took care of the Slytherins and his twins took care of any lion that do and/or say anything they don't like that involves Harry. The Hufflepuffs were nice and friendly to everyone as always, and his Ravens liked him. Since he took over as king of the Ravens he had made sure to sit in the common room for a minimum of an hour so his nest mates could interact with him freely. Harry couldn't have been happier about how this school year was going. Though the real test was about to happen today. All four houses have Potions together for two blocks that day. Dumbledore did that to improve house unity but Harry was sure it was to just drive the houses apart. Harry watch as Neville pushed his eggs around on his plate looking sick.

"Neville, it won't be that bad." Hermione tried to console the poor boy.

Neville shook his head, letting it drop into his free hand. "Hermione, Snape hates me. I'm not good at Potions anyway but Snape just terrifies me. I'll blow up my cauldron and I'll be yelled at."

"We'll prank him if you want." Fred looked gleeful at the idea of pranking the notorious dungeon bat.

"Yes, we have a prank or two we have wanted to try out for a while now." George agreed. Hermione was about to start lecturing them and Draco looked like he wanted to hex them for thinking of doing such a thing to his godfather.

"No my twins," Harry told them. They told him that they liked being called that so when he spoke to them he added it. The twins pouted at him but he ignored them, turning to the boy across from him. "Neville, you can sit next to me. I'll make sure you don't blow up your cauldron."

Neville gave a minute of thought before agreeing. The conversation soon moved to where they were all going to meet on the weekends as they still hadn't found a room to make their own. Breakfast ended, leaving the twins to go to their own classes while Harry, Draco, Neville, and Hermione went to the dungeons.

The hallway was full of first years. Slytherins stood to one side with Ravenclaw, making Harry lightly smile. The Hufflepuffs were mixed between all the houses but Gryffindor stood opposite of the Slytherin. Harry and the others went to stand in the middle to keep fights down. It didn't work.

"Potter how could you betray us all by being friends with snakes!" Harry gave a sigh hearing Ronald yell, pushing to the front of the Gryffindors.

"His name, Weasley, is Evans. If you are going to open your mouth to speak to someone get their name right." Hermione hated that boy. Harry has heard her complain about him multiple times.

"Hermione, ignore him. He's not worth your time or energy." Harry was feeling one of his cruel streaks come on but pushed it down to a lower level of hurtful. "Mindless apes like him are not known to do more than piss and shit themselves. He will never be able to function like us normal, civilized, beings."

Harry ignored the shocked looks he received for his language. Snape was standing behind a group of Hufflepuffs blocking the way to the classroom door. "Mr. Evans, 20 points for language and detention with me after lunch."

"Yes sir." Harry didn't care. That boy was going to learn that he wasn't going to be judged by a stranger without consequences. If Ronald wanted to hate him then he was going to give that boy a reason to hate him. Harry followed the rest of the students into the classroom. He took a seat in the middle with Neville. Draco and Hermione sat in front of them. Snape told them the potion they were making, forgetfulness potion. He spent the first block lecturing about the different uses of the potion and the proper way to prepare the ingredients. The second block he felt that the class had enough information to make it he pointed to the directions on the board, and told them to partner up to start.

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